- LY1050
- Coordinates:
- N 41.575024° W 75.451500°
- Location:
- Elevation:
- 1777.04 ft.
- Type:
- Bench Mark Disk
- Setting:
- Rock Outcrop
- Year Established:
- 1932
- Established By:
- Status:
- Note Entered
- Condition:
- Unknown (Not Found) as of July 20, 2018
- Official Description: NGS Datasheet
Official USGS Description:
Carbondale, 3.8 mi E. of intersection of Eighth Avenue and Main Street, along U.S. Highway 6; 0.4 mi E. of Lackawanna-Wayne County line; near E. end of pond No. 4 of Consolidated Water Supply Company; in top of boulder; 1.5 ft above ground; standard tablet stamped "TT 22 T 1932"
See also: TTS 22 T
I don't quite know how we missed noticing this benchmark on the topo map, but somehow when I found the datasheet on PennDOT's site a few days ago, it was a new one to me. In addition to being a USGS mark, it's also in the NGS database, so it's doubly confusing why we never looked for it before.
Anyway, it seemed like it might be a simple find—and it still might be, once the vegetation is down in the late fall or winter. Rich pulled off the side of Route 6 and I climbed the steep bank. I found a few large boulders that would be suitable for a benchmark, but the mark wasn't on the only one that I could access. The others were covered with thick overgrowth.
We'll have to try again later. I never mind having another excuse to come to Waymart, because it might mean breakfast or lunch at the Mustard Seed or a snack at the Waymart Hotel ...