Recovered in Good Condition on September 10, 2007

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 44.302166° W 68.3143°
Elevation 121 ft.
Location Maine
   Hancock County
      Southwest Harbor Quad

Mark description

Type Copper Bolt
Setting Bedrock
Monumented 1870 by NGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
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NGS recovery information

Descriptive text

The station and both reference marks were recovered in good condition. The marks are located along the Flying Mountain Trail in Acadia National Park. The 1934 to-reach is accurate. Reference mark 1 is approximately 8.7 feet (2.65 meters) from the station at 26 degrees magnetic. Reference mark 2 is approximately 6.8 feet (2.07 meters) from the station at 86 degrees magnetic. Handheld GPS WAAS-corrected coordinates for RM 1 are 44 18 07.9(N) 068 18 51.4(W). Handheld GPS WAAS-corrected coordinates for RM 2 are 44 18 07.9(N) 068 18 51.3(W).

Narrative and photographs

Rich surprised me on this drizzly day by suggesting that we do a simple hike to Fernald Hill. The FERNALD HILL tri-station was near the bottom of our list because it has already been found by so many geocachers; still, the promise of doing a complete and careful recovery always tempts us. In addition, most geocachers were simply finding one or both of the reference marks and not the station itself, which is an admittedly difficult-to-spot copper bolt.

First we found the two reference mark disks; they stand out well against the bare rock ledge. Using the adjusted coordinates and our keen eyes, we worked our way back to the station bolt without too much trouble. It’s in good shape considering its age and the number of feet that have no doubt tramped over it throughout the past century. We noted that the box score does not include distances and directions between the station mark and reference disks, so we decided to provide them ourselves. The problem? We had no measuring tape with us today! We took painstaking, though probably still crude, measurements with Rich’s pole and translated them to feet/meters when we returned to our room in the evening.

Reference Objects
Designation Status Condition Image
FERNALD HILL 1870 RM 1 Recovered Good
FERNALD HILL 1870 RM 2 Recovered Good
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