- PE0321
- Coordinates:
- N 44.3461° W 68.37856°
- Location:
- Elevation:
- 166.69 ft.
- Type:
- Bench Mark Disk
- Setting:
- Rock Outcrop
- Year Established:
- 1934
- Established By:
- Status:
- Recovered
- Condition:
- Good as of September 15, 2010
- Official Description: NGS Datasheet
After our morning full of riding on the "quiet side" of the island, Rich and I decided to investigate a witness sign we'd noticed on a tree when passing by earlier in the day. It was a standard USGS witness sign, so I was pretty sure a benchmark was hiding nearby. Our datasheets indicated that it was most likely K 17, which for some reason we had never searched for in the past. At first I was fooled by the heavy blanket of moss covering everything in the general area; nothing appeared to be a rock outcrop and I wondered if I had the wrong spot. But I persevered and moved a little farther back into the dark woods from the road, and there was the blue disk, poking out from among the moss on the highest point of a mound. It is is excellent condition. I recommend a tripod (which, of course, I didn't have at the moment) for taking photos of this mark.
Recovered in good condition. Handheld GPS coordinates for the station are 44 20 48.2(N) 068 22 42.8(W).