45 CH

N 41.32733° W 76.11817° (estimate)
1377.542 ft.
Bench Mark Disk
Rock Ledge
Year Established:
Established By:
Not Found
Unknown (Not Found) as of May 6, 2023
Official USGS Description:

Loyalville School, 1.0 mi W., thence 0.3 mi S.; 275 ft W. of junction of State Highways 29 and 415; in yard of old Durland School; 65 ft S. and 45 ft W. from junction of rd. S.; in rock ledge; standard tablet stamped "45 CH 1942"

This bench mark sounded really interesting to me; I like the descriptions that involve old schoolhouses! As is typical, though, there is nothing left of this one, and I searched all around the area of the coordinates without find any rocks, boulders, or ledges of any kind (other than one small outcropping that was clear of all debris and definitely had no mark on it). I will attempt to do some research. Perhaps an old aerial image will give me a better idea of what this spot was like when the mark was set.

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