Recovered in Good Condition on September 5, 2024

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 44.426158° W 69.008282°
Elevation 101.84 ft.
Location Maine
   Waldo County
      Belfast Quad

Mark description

Type Bench Mark Disk
Setting Water Table
Monumented 1904 by USGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
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NGS recovery information

Descriptive text

Recovered in good condition on the water table of the former Waldo County Superior Court building. The building ceased to function as a courthouse in 2019 and city hall offices are moving into the building as of 2024.

Narrative and photographs

After a successful recovery of two (well, really three) marks that are part of a tidal station along the riverbank, Rich and I headed back into town to explore a bit and look for two more benchmarks. The first one was ‘102’, an old-style disk set in the stone water table of the old courthouse building. It is in excellent condition.

The original description from “Spirit Leveling in Maine, 1899-1915” is as follows:

Belfast, on Church Street front of court-house, in water table; aluminum tablet stamped "102"............................................... 102.368

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