- LY0753
- Coordinates:
- N 41.09803° W 74.97633°
- Location:
- Elevation:
- 421.97 ft.
- Type:
- Bench Mark Disk
- Setting:
- Round Concrete Monument
- Year Established:
- 1942
- Established By:
- Status:
- Recovered
- Condition:
- Good as of April 10, 2007
- Official Description: NGS Datasheet
The station mark was found in good condition. The private road is a woods road, blocked by a cable, leading south toward the river (near Wallpack Bend). The white board fence no longer exists. The original reference post is no longer at the site, but an orange stake marked "FHWA" now marks the spot. White plastic sheeting in the form of an X over the mark marks its location for photogrammetric purposes.
The white board fence no longer exists. Handheld GPS coordinates for the station are 41 05 52.9(N) 074 58 34.8(W).