- HU0366
- Coordinates:
- N 38.330066° W 75.087816°
- Location:
- Elevation:
- 5.67 ft.
- Type:
- Tidal Bench Mark Disk
- Setting:
- Brick Wall
- Year Established:
- 1962
- Established By:
- Status:
- Recovered
- Condition:
- Good as of September 4, 2003
- Official Description: NGS Datasheet
I went downtown to escape the floodwaters on this wildly stormy day ... but they followed me. This benchmark disk was located just southeast of the north corner of 109 Dorchester Street, which now houses the Ocean City Beach Patrol Headquarters. The mark was reached easily using the historic description, and no changes are necessary. At the mark, I recorded coordinates that are approximately 270 feet from the scaled coordinates given on the datasheet. The disk is set vertically on the northeast wall of the structure and appears to be in good condition with all stamping legible.