RM 20Y 45.84 21Y 42.64
Spatial/elevation data
Coordinates | N 36.121406° W 115.172253° |
Elevation | Unknown |
Location | Nevada
Las Vegas Las Vegas SW Quad |
Mark description
Type | Reference Mark Disk |
Setting | Concrete Sidewalk |
Monumented | Unknown by Clark County Surveyor’s Office |
Narrative and photographs
For more information about this reference mark, see its parent mark 20 Y.
I’m not sure exactly what the story is with this marker - it appears to be a reference mark for two different disks, 20Y and 21Y. I think I found 21Y RESET, but for some reason didn’t notice 20Y. This disk is set in the curb of the sidewalk on the west side of Las Vegas Boulevard, near the volcano display at the Mirage Casino.