- LY0117
- Coordinates:
- N 41.71445° W 74.3875° (estimate)
- Location:
- Elevation:
- 318.58 ft.
- Type:
- Bench Mark Disk
- Setting:
- Stone Foundation
- Year Established:
- 1903
- Established By:
- Status:
- Note Entered
- Condition:
- Unknown (Not Found) as of June 14, 2014
- Official Description: NGS Datasheet
We were nearing Ellenville on our trip home after an awesome day of hiking at Minnewaska State Park and a delicious German feast at the Mountain Brauhaus. I decided to check BenchMap just in case there was an NGS mark that we might not have researched in the past. Most of the Ellenville marks no longer exist, but one, 319, seemed promising. I asked Dad if he wouldn't mind taking a quick look for the old railroad station along Canal Street.
In the block surrounded by Canal Street, Edwards Place, Depot Street, and an unnamed alley, we found a group of buildings, several of which looked decidedly railroad-station-like. One sported a sign reading "Ellenville Depot" (and a second sign, "Top Shelf").
The three of us searched all sides of the building with the Ellenville Depot sign, as well as the other buildings on either side of the lot: anything that appeared to be a remote possibility. At the northeastern-most corner of the Ellenville Depot building is an old solid stone foundation that, Rich and I discovered, wraps around the northern side and down the entire western face of the building—but appears to be covered with wooden siding along most of the eastern face of the building.
It occurred to us to check Google images on my phone, and we were able to find a tiny image of an old postcard depicting the O & W depot in 1907. By comparing this image to the building standing before us, it was easy to see that several additions have been made over time. One of the modifications has enclosed the old portico and surrounded most of the foundation with wooden paneling. Our measurements at the site make us quite sure that the mark, if it still exists, is now on an interior wall of the building, which currently houses a local business—closed today, of course. I peered through the windows but couldn't make out anything other than a pile of receipts. We decided that we would search for the business's hours of operation and come back when they're open.
On the way home, I took a quick look (whenever I had a decent Internet connection) for more information about Top Shelf Jewelry. I wasn't able to find hours of operation, but I found an interesting article from the Wawarsing.net magazine about the depot and the business. And, to my great surprise, the article even featured an image and short description of the benchmark!
Forward, Into the Past: Mementos for the Years Ahead, page 1; page 2
Other sources of images: Penny Postcards from New York, Ellenvile: Early Industry, NYO&W Ellenville Branch (Pinterest)
Edit: I contacted the owners of Top Shelf Jewelry, thinking they might be open during the Ellenville Blueberry Festival in August. They weren't (they are a manufacturer, not a storefront) but the owner sent the following about the survey mark, and sent the photo you see below:
The marker is used all the time....my husband is a licensed land surveyor so we know all about it....part of the allure of the building for us. The one you should search for is the one which was in the old high school and when the building was renovated it seems to have disappeared! Location was Maple Avenue in Ellenville. Usually it is State and Federal jobs that tie into the marker. Thanks for doing what you are doing...rest assured it is sacred to us! Plus being the old train station it is historic as well. I have attached a copy of it.