- LY1198
- Coordinates:
- N 41.359587° W 75.379334° (estimate)
- Location:
- Elevation:
- 1385.93 ft.
- Type:
- Reference Mark Disk
- Setting:
- Stone Culvert
- Year Established:
- 1959
- Established By:
- Status:
- Not Found
- Condition:
- Unknown (Not Found) as of May 3, 2014
- Official Description: NGS Datasheet
For more information, see: URBAN
A report on the condition of this survey mark has been submitted to NGS, along with the following recovery note:
Mark not found. There is a culvert at the approximate location indicated by measurements taken from the station, but it does not appear to be a rock culvert. The culvert is damaged and buried in debris and the reference mark could not be found.
For more information, see: URBAN