- AA0742
- Coordinates:
- N 24.619223° W 81.536043° (estimate)
- Location:
- Elevation:
- 1.23 ft.
- Type:
- Bench Mark Disk
- Setting:
- Rock Outcrop
- Year Established:
- 1982
- Established By:
- Florida Dept. of Natural Resources
- Status:
- Not Found
- Condition:
- Unknown (Not Found) as of February 20, 2016
- Official Description: NGS Datasheet
MON 4 was the first mark Rich and I attempted on this chilly (for Florida) Saturday morning. We didn't expect it to be much of a challenge because the description is quite straightforward. When we were investigating the area from our desks at home, we thought we could even see a number of likely rock outcrops in Google Street View. But as sometimes happens, once we were on the site, our perspective changed. There are indeed some exposed rock outcrops, but we didn't see the mark on any of them. A significant portion of each outcrop was covered with grass and sandy soil. The road shoulders in the area do not appear to be disturbed in any way, so it's very likely the mark is still in place and is simply overgrown at this time. We noted one change to the official description: the power pole should be numbered SL-9-162 . Even though we didn't find the mark, the pole with this number is in the correct location according to the other given points of reference, and it is also consistent with the numbering of the other poles on the line.