Airway Beacons List—Western U.S.

Last updated August 15, 2021

The following is an incomplete list of airway beacons and arrows. The original list, compiled by Roger Barnes in 2003, was drawn from the NGS database of survey marks. In recent years, many other contributors have shared their knowledge and added other beacon and arrow sites to the list. Many of these beacons no longer exist, but their locations and remains are of historical interest.

PIDs are clickable links to the most current NGS datasheets. Any item that does not have a PID is not in the NGS database but was discovered by other methods.

PIDDesignationStateCountyLatitudeLongitudeUSGS QuadFirst CitySecond CityBeacon #Airport?Arrow?AirwayStatusReport
TT6703LADD FIELD AIRWAY BEACONAK 64.8393467-147.6422778FAIRBANKS D-2   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
UV1481MENDENHALL PENPOLE OBS LTAK 58.36027612-134.6373542JUNEAU B-2      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
UV1482MENDENHALL PEN TWR OBS LTAK 58.36558586-134.6345829JUNEAU B-2      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
UV1489MENDENHALL PENINSULA AWY BCNAK 58.35891469-134.6378411JUNEAU B-2   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
UV8118BETHEL CAA AIRFIELD AIRWAY BCNAK 60.77455235-161.7225519BETHEL D-8   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
UV8494ANIAK AIRWAY BEACONAK 61.5781849-159.5386466RUSSIAN MISSION C-2   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
UW5259AIR BCNAK 71.32724161-156.6789262BARROW B-4   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DL1455DALLAS LITTLE ROCK AWY BCN 21ARNEVADA33.81966924-93.46376231PRESCOTT WEST (1970)DALLASLITTLE ROCK21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DL1546AIRWAY BEACON 17ARMILLER33.80467738-93.3998718MANDEVILLE (1975)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DL1565TEXARKANA MEMPHIS AWY BCN 19ARHEMPSTEAD33.60910426-93.63892183SPRING HILL (1975)TEXARKANAMEMPHIS19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DL1568DALLAS LITTLE ROCK AWY BCN 20ARHEMPSTEAD33.72280169-93.64741235SHEPPARD (1978)DALLASLITTLE ROCK20NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DL1575DALLAS LITTLE ROCK AWY BCN 18ARMILLER33.58623922-93.81429231FULTON (1975)DALLASLITTLE ROCK18NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EH2884AIRWAY BN 39 S OF FORREST CITYARST FRANCIS34.94580803-90.79029113HAYNES (1992)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EH3052DALLAS LOUISVILLE AWY BCN 35ARLONOKE34.86680995-91.56608247HAZEN (1994)DALLASLOUISVILLE35NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EH3077DALLAS LOUISVILLE AWY BCN 33ARLONOKE34.80508021-91.7626336POCKET PRAIRIE (1982)DALLASLOUISVILLE33NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EH3083DALLAS LOUISVILLE AWY BCN 32ARLONOKE34.77579603-91.99459987LONOKE (1982)DALLASLOUISVILLE32NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EJ1725DALLAS LITTLE ROCK AWY BCN 29ARSALINE34.57956366-92.45065616BRYANT (1987)DALLASLITTLE ROCK29NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EJ1855DALLAS LITTLE ROCK AWY BCN 26ARHOT SPRING34.29263959-92.85766623MALVERN SOUTH (1978)DALLASLITTLE ROCK26NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EJ1976AIRWAY BCN ARKADELPHIA MUN APTARCLARK34.1215789-93.03291514ARKADELPHIA (1976)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EJ1981DALLAS LITTLE ROCK AWY BCN 23ARCLARK34.01053074-93.23416782HOLLYWOOD (1970)DALLASLITTLE ROCK23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Tower at Cottonwood Municipal AirportAZYAVAPAI34.735197-112.039576COTTONWOODYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowAccording to the Verde Independent the tower's original location was on Woodchute Mountain, west of Jerome. Tower and beacon light intact. Reported by Dale Whelan.
CF0322PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 24AZCOCHISE31.67322835-109.166619APACHE (1987)EL PASOPHOENIX24NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CF0325PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN T 5AZCOCHISE31.99128966-109.3007297RUSTLER PARK (1978)EL PASOPHOENIXT 5NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThe tower legs remain. The platform from the tower is to the northwest of the site. The original generator shed is about a mile south east of the site and had the standard two concrete generator bases and the footing for the shed. Power poles existed before the fire, but are now damaged or missing in some places. The skeletal remains mentioned as east of the site was a building for the fan marker that was installed on the site in later years. The building was intact until the Rodeo Fire of 2013. Reported on 7/10/2019 by Dan Deloria. There appears to be a skeletal structure just East of the given coordinates. No evidence of beacon foundation or arrow. Reported by Dave Tenney.
CF0338PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 21AZCOCHISE31.35478806-109.3938434EAST OF DOUGLAS (1985)EL PASOPHOENIX21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CF0350PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 19AZCOCHISE31.48908933-109.6990752DOUBLE ADOBE (1976)EL PASOPHOENIX19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CF0362PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 17AZCOCHISE31.65374446-109.8853701HAY MOUNTAIN (1976)EL PASOPHOENIX17NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CG0952PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 16AZCOCHISE31.76458815-110.145521LAND (1973)EL PASOPHOENIX16NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowFoundations visible. No arrow, as of 2/17/2017. Reported by Dave Tenney.
CG0973AIRWAY BN LANDING FLD E BENSONAZCOCHISE31.96409197-110.2647942BENSON (1983)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CG0975AVIATION BEACON 45 AAZCOCHISE31.92027518-110.3695615BENSON (1983)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowFoundations visible. No arrow, as of 2/17/2017. Reported by Dave Tenney.
CY1181PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN T 4AZCOCHISE32.00751804-109.5919073PAT HILLS NORTH (1974)EL PASOPHOENIXT 4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CY1191PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN T 3AZCOCHISE32.03581835-109.9157993COCHISE (1985)EL PASOPHOENIXT 3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CZ1783PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN T 2AZCOCHISE32.03397207-110.1155745DRAGOON (1995)EL PASOPHOENIXT 2NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDoug Kasian climbed Adams peak AZ on 2019-05-18 and wrote about it in his blog: He has a picture of what might be foundations for the beacon. Submitted 7/15/2019 by Andy Martin.
CZ1797PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN T 1AZCOCHISE32.04973994-110.4049989GALLETA FLAT WEST (1973)EL PASOPHOENIXT 1NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThe legs of the beacon tower are still on the top of the hill. The generator shed foundation and two generator concrete bases are at the foot of the hill to the west. There is no evidence of power poles from the generator shed to the beacon site. Reported 7/10/2019 by Dan Deloria.
CZ1821AIRWAY BEACON 12AZPIMA32.06212873-110.6519333VAIL (1981)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CZ1930AIRWAY BEACON W OF AIRPORT 38AZPINAL32.56673659-111.3949145SAMANIEGO HILLS (1993)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CZ1940NEWMAN PEAK BEACON TOWERAZPINAL32.71864678-111.4005276NEWMAN PEAK (1981)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CZ1942AIRWAY BEACON ON PICACHO PEAKAZPINAL32.6351428-111.400549NEWMAN PEAK (1981)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CZ1965AIRWAY BEACON 8AZPIMA32.38914951-111.1457882MARANA (1992)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CZ1980AIRWAY BCN RYAN FIELD TUCSONAZPIMA32.13551369-111.1698629BROWN MOUNTAIN (1992)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CZ2024PHOENIX TUCSON AWY BCN 5AZPINAL32.82102786-111.5679759ELOY NORTH (1992)PHOENIXTUCSON5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DB1653BEACONAZYUMA32.67369713-114.3376526LIGURTA (1965)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DU2114PHOENIX TUCSON AWY BCN 3 AAZPINAL33.04456252-111.7333205SACATON (1981)PHOENIXTUCSON3ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DU2116AIRWAY BEACON AT AIRPORT 34 AAZPINAL33.06989856-111.7285963SACATON (1981)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DU2118SACATON PEAK AIR BEACONAZPINAL33.00327633-111.6747574SACATON (1981)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DU2134PHOENIX TUCSON AWY BCN 2AZPINAL33.18860681-111.8067639GILA BUTTE (1981)PHOENIXTUCSON2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DU2166PHOENIX TUCSON AWY BCN OAZMARICOPA33.36710171-111.9795632GUADALUPE (1982)PHOENIXTUCSON NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DU2172TEMPE BUTTE AIRWAY BEACONAZMARICOPA33.42825011-111.935799TEMPE (1982)TEMPEBUTTE NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV1888LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 30AZMARICOPA33.51494927-113.1102051BURNT MOUNTAIN (1990)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX30NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV1900LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 28AZLA PAZ33.52961324-113.4213001LONE MOUNTAIN (1990)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV1966SALOME FIELD AIRWAY BCN 27 BAZLA PAZ33.57755588-113.5875487HOPE SE (1990)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX27BYN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV1968LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BN 27AAZLA PAZ33.55117232-113.6637459HOPE SW (1990)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX27ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV1974LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 25AZLA PAZ33.5826748-113.9576767NEW WATER MOUNTAINS (1990)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX25NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV2035LUKE FIELD BEACONAZMARICOPA33.54249654-112.3597135EL MIRAGE (1982)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV2137LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 33AZMARICOPA33.44971421-112.6004828VALENCIA (1982)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX33NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DV2162LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 31AZMARICOPA33.49386856-112.8505411WINTERSBURG (1984)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX31NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DW0890LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 23AZLA PAZ33.59250306-114.3476369CUNNINGHAM MTN (1971)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
ES1040LOS ANGELES ALBUQUER AWY BN 50AZNAVAJO34.96381864-110.0557648SUN VALLEY (1986)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES50NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
ES1047LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 51AZNAVAJO34.93603671-110.1401323HOLBROOK (1986)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES51NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon intact, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Zhanna.
ET0889PRESCOTT AIRPORT AIRWAY BCNAZYAVAPAI34.65021885-112.4294016CHINO VALLEY SOUTH (1973)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
ET1117LOS ANGELES PRESCOTT AWY BN 29AZMOHAVE34.81755084-113.8721201DIAMOND JOE PEAK (1967)LOS ANGELESPRESCOTT29NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EU0904LOS ANGELES PRESCOTT AWY BN 28AZMOHAVE34.79252603-114.1239157YUCCA SE (1970)LOS ANGELESPRESCOTT28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FP0586LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 54 AAZAPACHE35.03982459-109.3049878BEACON WELL (1972)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES54ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FP0588LOS ANGELES ALBU AWY BN 54B 56AZAPACHE35.03481125-109.2606884BEACON WELLALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES54B 56NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowA foundation is visible in Google Maps, no tower or arrow. Reported 8/10/2019 by Brian Lee.
FP0596LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 53AZAPACHE35.02946301-109.5255234NAVAJO SOUTH (1972)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES53NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowShed foundation visible in Google Maps, nothing else. Reported 8/10/2019 by Brian Lee.
FQ0600LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 43 BAZCOCONINO35.10775945-111.2162753ANDERSON CANYON (1983)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES43BNN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Elaine Legate. Pad and shed foundation visible in Google Earth. Reported 8/10/2019.
FQ0604LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 43 AAZCOCONINO35.14792553-111.2755082ANGELL (1983)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES43ANN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Elaine Legate.
FQ0606LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 42AZCOCONINO35.1529312-111.4703987WINONA (1974)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES42NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Elaine Legate. Shed foundation is visible in Google Maps, pad may be under trees. Reported 8/10/2019 by Brian Lee.
FQ0728LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 49AZNAVAJO35.0283832-110.1182608HENNESSY BUTTES (1993)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES49NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Zhanna. Some kind of pad and what looks like the foundation of the shed are visible in Google Maps. The pad looks unusual though. Reported 8/10/2019 by Brian Lee.
FQ0733LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 48AZNAVAJO35.02573484-110.3476522BLAIRS SPRING (1972)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES48NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FQ0738LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 47AZNAVAJO35.02680665-110.5983262RINCON RANCH (1986)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES47NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Zhanna. Pad is visible in Google maps, nothing else appears to remain. Reported 8/10/2019 by Brian Lee.
FQ0755LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 45AZCOCONINO35.06959-110.9834778TUCKER MESA SW (1983)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES45NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Elaine Legate. Pad and shed foundation visible in Google Maps. Reported 8/10/2019 by Brian Lee.
FR0867WILLIAMS AIRPORT BEACONAZCOCONINO35.30210963-112.1920418WILLIAMS NORTH (1989)   Y  Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FR0872PHOENIX WILLIAMS AWY BCN 38 AAZCOCONINO35.20011638-112.205042WILLIAMS SOUTH (1989)PHOENIXWILLIAMS38ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FR0946LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 31AZYAVAPAI35.23011714-113.2801284FORT ROCK RANCH (1980)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES31NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FR0959LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 30AZMOHAVE35.22496659-113.5395883TIN MOUNTAIN (1980)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES30NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FS1049KINGMAN AIRWAY BEACON TOWERAZMOHAVE35.19225725-114.036524KINGMAN (1980)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FS1062AIRWAY BEACON TOWERAZMOHAVE35.04243917-114.3626203MOUNT NUTT (1967)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GQ0425LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BCN 34AZMOHAVE36.95382486-113.9358203LITTLEFIELD (1985)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY34NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow near MX1005, near Gazelle, CACASISKIYOU41.543382-122.503704GAZELLEYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 11/17/2013. Reported by Jeff.
Arrow/beacon site near Troy, CACA39.310917-120.465712Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow is visible in satellite images; beacon is indicated on topo map. Reported by Lucky Forsman, 1/20/2020.
Beacon at Kelly (Kingston) Intermediate Airfield, San Bernardino County, CACASAN BERNARDINO35.56241-115.71463PACHALKA SPRINGUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowBeacon destroyed, as of 11/25/2013. Reported by Francis Blake.
Beacon at Mesquite Pass, San Bernardino County, CACASAN BERNARDINO35.62491-115.63303PACHALKA SPRINGUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowBeacon destroyed, as of 11/25/2013. Reported by Francis Blake.
Beacon at Santa Monica AirportCALOS ANGELES34.0182-118.4504CALABASASSAN DIEGOLOS ANGELESUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowThe beacon was designated as a historical landmark on August 11, 1998. According to that designation, the beacon was built in 1928. The beacon was originally part of the San Diego-Los Angeles national airway system but was moved from its original installation in Downey in 1952. The modifications are a new anemometer and the beacon drum to conform to current FAA regulations. Reported by Eve Lopez on 5/23/2019.
Beacon in Acalanes Ridge Open Space near Walnut Creek, CACACONTRA COSTA37.902908-122.07814WALNUT CREEKYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 5/10/2014. Reported by Todd Christensen.
Restored beacon on Mt. Diablo, CACACONTRA COSTA37.881713-121.914212CLAYTONUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowBeacon restored, as of 11/21/2013. Reported by John Gallagher.
AE5076BRAZOS RR BRIDGE SE TOWER LTCANAPA38.2089051-122.3065135CUTTINGS WHARF (1981)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DB1365SAN DIEGO TUCSON AWY BCN 14CAIMPERIAL32.73239095-114.7468184YUMA WEST (1979)SAN DIEGOTUCSON14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DB1441SAN DIEGO TUCSON AWY BCN 11CAIMPERIAL32.76552339-115.2690606HOLTVILLE EAST (1979)SAN DIEGOTUCSON11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DB1442SAN DIEGO TUCSON AWY BCN 10CAIMPERIAL32.83982931-115.2772507HOLTVILLE EAST (1979)SAN DIEGOTUCSON10NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DB1497IMPERIAL AIRPORT AIRWAY BEACONCAIMPERIAL32.83798606-115.5701632EL CENTRO (1979)   YN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon restored, as of 8/6/2012. Reported by Norm Wuytens.
DB1598SAN DIEGO TUCSON AWY BCN 7CAIMPERIAL32.76242411-115.9341476PAINTED GORGE (1979)SAN DIEGOTUCSON7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DC1948SAN DIEGO TUCSON AWY BCN 5CASAN DIEGO32.75558799-116.2900567SOMBRERO PEAK (1975)SAN DIEGOTUCSON5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DC1996AIRWAY BCN 3 8 MI S OF GUATAYCASAN DIEGO32.73490181-116.5777256MORENA RESERVOIR (1988)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DC2038SAN DIEGO EL PASO AWY BCN 2CASAN DIEGO32.7018763-116.7639497DULZURA (1988)EL PASOSAN DIEGO2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DC2073SAN MIGUEL BEACONCASAN DIEGO32.69637383-116.9363611JAMUL MOUNTAINS (1994)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DC2085SAN DIEGO TUCSON AWY BCN 2CASAN DIEGO32.75449064-116.8062189ALPINE (1988)SAN DIEGOTUCSON2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DW1018LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 19CARIVERSIDE33.65656595-115.0643681FORD DRY LAKE (1983)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DW1487MECCA HILLS AIRWAY BEACONCARIVERSIDE33.65843168-115.9862217COTTONWOOD BASIN   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX3723LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY 67 MICARIVERSIDE33.87417509-117.1913252PERRIS (1993)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX67 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX3745LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY 70 MICARIVERSIDE33.90035362-117.1501044SUNNYMEAD (1980)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX70 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX3797AIRWAY BCN 6 BOX SPRINGS MTNCARIVERSIDE33.96003716-117.2792521RIVERSIDE EAST (1967)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX3997AIRWAY BEACON 2CASAN DIEGO33.06547183-117.304836ENCINITAS (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4041AIRWAY BCN 3 2 MI NW OCEANSIDECASAN DIEGO33.22985348-117.4007831OCEANSIDE (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4090AIRWAY 5CASAN DIEGO33.38823364-117.5955654SAN CLEMENTE (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4094BEACON 5CASAN DIEGO33.38332445-117.584151SAN CLEMENTE (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4105ONOFRE BEACON BEACON 5CASAN DIEGO33.37638162-117.5387217SAN CLEMENTE (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4140BEACON 6CAORANGE33.47980685-117.6449306DANA POINT (1975)   NY Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4350BEACON 7CAORANGE33.5845476-117.7386086SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO (1981)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4431BEACON 8CAORANGE33.69276254-117.8666955TUSTIN (1981)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4877LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 12CARIVERSIDE33.75636027-116.251659MYOMA (1979)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX12NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DX4994AIRWAY BEACON 3 ACASAN DIEGO33.10194238-116.5789871JULIAN (1988)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon intact, as of 11/18/2013. Reported by Laura.
DX5100LOS ANGELES PHOENIX AWY BCN 9CARIVERSIDE33.92116861-116.6207475DESERT HOT SPRINGS (1978)LOS ANGELESPHOENIX9NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon tower and shed intact, as of 4/8/2015. Reported by Elizabeth W.
DY1712AIRWAY 8 1932CALOS ANGELES33.77394169-118.0015091LOS ALAMITOS (1981)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DZ1257AIRWAY BCN 10 E LAS CRUCESCASANTA BARBARA34.51323061-120.1697861SOLVANG (1982)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DZ1333AIRWAY BCN 12 NE OF LOS ALAMOSCASANTA BARBARA34.79834894-120.2568041SISQUOC (1974)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EU1203LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 16CASAN BERNARDINO34.58117328-115.8791333BAGDAD SW (1984)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES16NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowIn Google satellite images it looks like the generator shed foundation and the tower pad remain, Google Earth lists the images as 9/2018. The pad is painted red. Reported 8/10/2019 by Brian Lee.
EV3620AIRWAY BCN 9 A W OF CRESTLINECASAN BERNARDINO34.23270903-117.2785696SAN BERNARDINO NORTH (1996)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EV3947AIRWAY BN 17 THREE MI S LUDLOWCASAN BERNARDINO34.68347378-116.1513757LUDLOW (1955)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EV3954AIRWAY BCN 16 ONE MI NE LAVICCASAN BERNARDINO34.73648707-116.3034667LAVIC LAKE (1973)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EW7072LOS ANGELES LAS VEGAS AWY BN 5CALOS ANGELES34.61706003-118.0873426PALMDALE (1974)LAS VEGASLOS ANGELES5NIron Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EW7086AIRWAY BEACON 5BCALOS ANGELES34.52572401-118.1641784RITTER RIDGE (1974)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EW7174ANTELOPE VALLEY AIRWAY BCN X 1CALOS ANGELES34.77566017-118.34347LITTLE BUTTES (1974)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EW7336AIRWAY BEACON 4 ENE OF SAUGUSCALOS ANGELES34.44481065-118.4395417MINT CANYON (1995)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EW7505AIRWAY BEACON 3 1964CAVENTURA34.16418999-118.9024829NEWBURY PARK (1967)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FS1262LOS ANGELES LAS VEGAS BN 19CASAN BERNARDINO35.48399704-115.5533139MESCAL RANGE (1983)LAS VEGASLOS ANGELES19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FS1273LOS ANGELES LAS VEGAS BN 17CASAN BERNARDINO35.39964029-115.8313017SOLOMONS KNOBLAS VEGASLOS ANGELES17NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact (Laura and Francis); Arrow and footings are intact, shed is not original (Michael), as of 3/22/2016. Reported by Laura, Francis Blake, Michael A. Adams.
FT1486LOS ANGELES LAS VEGAS AY BN 16CASAN BERNARDINO35.27181143-116.0654987BAKER (1983)LAS VEGASLOS ANGELES16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FT1501LOS ANGELES LAS VEGAS AY BN 13CASAN BERNARDINO35.07755462-116.3918704DUNN (1986)LAS VEGASLOS ANGELES13NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact (Laura); Arrow is intact, footings for tower are intact, hill is eroding (Michael), as of 3/22/2016. Reported by Laura and Michael A. Adams.
FT1502LOS ANGELES SALT LAKE AY BN 15CASAN BERNARDINO35.07354604-116.3891152DUNN (1986)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY15NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FU3427LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 8CAKERN35.15057909-118.9966652WEED PATCH (1992)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO8NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FU3438AIRWAY BN 9 CODE B S BAKERSFLDCAKERN35.29574309-118.9797523LAMONT   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FU3524DELANO AIRPORT AIRWAYS BEACONCAKERN35.75226066-119.2418885DELANO EAST   YN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThe beacon site is an empty lot next to a National Guard building that looks like it was originally part of the airport (before a road was built between it and the Delano Airport runway). No traces remain of the beacon, as of 1/2/2017. Reported by Marici Reid.
FU3536LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 11CAKERN35.57641093-119.2014178FAMOSOLOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FU3571AIRWAY BCN 13 FLASHING RED VCATULARE35.86144139-119.2862862DELANO WEST   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowNo traces remain of the beacon site, in farmland as of 1/2/2017. Reported by Marici Reid.
FV1462LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 16CASAN LUIS OBISPO35.32510084-120.6049479LOPEZ MTN (1993)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FV1799LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 20CAMONTEREY35.8826454-120.821981WUNPOST (1979)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO20NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GT1934LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 15CATULARE36.02110284-119.3220448TIPTONLOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO15NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThe beacon is completely gone as of 1/2/2017. Reported by Marici Reid.
GT1963LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 17CATULARE36.32693676-119.4002436GOSHEN (1969)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO17YN Updated NGS beacon/arrowPer Visalia airport manager, the beacon was moved to Woodlake Airport. We saw the beacon there in good condition. All other beacon structure was destroyed in the construction of highway interchange as of 1/2/2017. Reported by Marici Reid.
GT2066LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 19CAFRESNO36.57618316-119.6532887CONEJO (1978)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO19NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowNo traces remain of the beacon site. Site is farmland as of 1/2/2017. Reported by Marici Reid.
GT2085LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 20CAFRESNO36.68520984-119.7592538FRESNO SOUTH (1981)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO20NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GU3513LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 21CAMONTEREY36.07932928-120.9686519SAN ARDO (1984)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GU3691GONZALES AIRWAY BEACONCAMONTEREY36.49958698-121.4328519PALO ESCRITO PEAK   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GU3914AIRWAYCAMONTEREY36.57327905-121.8484095SEASIDE (1983)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GU4043SAN FRAN LOS ANGELES AWY BN 28CAMONTEREY36.86523422-121.7728306MOSS LANDING (1994)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HS4567LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AIR BN 23CAMADERA37.01762592-120.1673118BERENDA (1987)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HS4574LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AIR BN 25CAMERCED37.22704204-120.4657714EL NIDO (1987)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO25NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HS4589MERCED LA SAN FRAN AWY BN 26 ACAMERCED37.36431442-120.5707248ATWATER (1987)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HS4631MODESTO LA SAN FRAN AWY BN 95CASTANISLAUS37.62770535-120.9653712RIVERBANK (1987)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO95YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HS4842LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 29CASANTA CLARA37.00802748-121.2877025PACHECO PEAK (1978)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO29NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowPacheco Peak. Radio site owned by State of California. Radio towers and buildings have replaced beacon equipment. Beacon destroyed, as of 3/27/2015. Reported by John Gleichweit.
HS4873LOS ANGELES SAN FRAN AWY BN 30CASANTA CLARA37.08750474-121.6025604GILROY (1993)LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO30NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HS4897LOS ANGELES DALLES ORE BCN 30CASANTA CRUZ37.1095928-121.9274654LAUREL (1994)DALLES ORELOS ANGELES30NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HS5030LIVERMORE AIRWAY BEACON 448CAALAMEDA37.69182124-121.7835453LIVERMORE (1980)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HT2511OAKLAND BEACON 1 ACAALAMEDA37.78746331-122.1450512OAKLAND EAST (1997)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HT2592AIRWAY BCN 34 SW CENTERVILLECAALAMEDA37.53971311-122.058072NEWARK (1997)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HT3250FRESNO HAMILTON AWY BCN 32CASANTA CLARA37.31869998-122.1474193MINDEGO HILL (1997)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4077SACRAMENTO RENO AIRWAY BCN 11ACAPLACER38.99315081-121.0560493AUBURN (1981)SACRAMENTORENO11ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4087SAN FRAN SALT LK CTY AWY BCN 9CAPLACER38.87230932-121.1728636ROCKLIN (1981)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4151SAN FRAN SALT LK CTY AWY BCN 8CAPLACER38.75199469-121.3033148ROSEVILLE (1992)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO8NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4291SAN FRAN RENO AWY BCN 5CAYOLO38.38628239-121.6159202CLARKSBURG (1980)RENOSAN FRANCISCO5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4319SAN FRAN RENO RED AIRWAY BCN 4CASOLANO38.25954151-121.737636LIBERTY ISLAND (1993)RENOSAN FRANCISCO4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4398SAN FRAN RENO AWY BCN 3CASOLANO38.11692634-121.8646011ANTIOCH NORTH (1978)RENOSAN FRANCISCO3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4487SAN FRAN MEDFORD AWY BCN 3CASOLANO38.20695746-121.9493427DENVERTON (1980)MEDFORDSAN FRANCISCO3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4498SAN FRAN MEDFORD AWY BN 4CASOLANO38.24322539-121.9376645DENVERTON (1980)MEDFORDSAN FRANCISCO4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4520SAN FRAN SEATTLE AIRWAY BCN 5CASOLANO38.42362473-121.9669285ALLENDALE (1978)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JS4586SAN FRAN SEATTLE AIRWAY BCN 6CAYOLO38.56160354-121.9947403WINTERS (1978)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JT0593SAN FRAN SEATTLE AWY BCN 8ACAYOLO38.83586754-122.0439031BIRD VALLEY (1993)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE8ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JT0605SAN FRAN SEATTLE AWY BCN 7CAYOLO38.72093886-122.0469034ESPARTO (1993)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JT2093SAN FRANCISCO RENO AWY BCN 2CACONTRA COSTA38.03015769-122.0019711VINE HILL (1980)RENOSAN FRANCISCO2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JT2195CARQUINEZ BRIDGE AVIATION BCNCACONTRA COSTA38.06093554-122.2257827BENICIA (1980)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KS1392AIRWAY BCN 17 5 MI SW OF VERDICASIERRA39.47266231-120.0396799BOCA (1973)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KS1455SACRAMENTO RENO AIRWAY BCN 15CANEVADA39.32181294-120.3362179NORDEN (1979)SACRAMENTORENO15NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowLooking in Google Earth the arrow and tower are especially visible in multiple 2016 images (through 7/2016). Reported by Brian Lee.
KS1461SACRAMENTO RENO AIRWAY BCN 14ACAPLACER39.30850379-120.5623893CISCO GROVE (1979)SACRAMENTORENO14ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KS1479SACRAMENTO RENO AIRWAY BCN 11BCAPLACER39.10485608-120.9567926COLFAX (1973)SACRAMENTORENO11BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KT1803SAN FRANCIS SEATTLE AWY BN 15CATEHAMA39.94251333-122.1692917CORNING (1969)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE15NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KT1811SAN FRANCIS SEATTLE AWY BN 12CAGLENN39.52404316-122.2184981WILLOWS (1969)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE12YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KT1818SAN FRANCIS SEATTLE AWY BN 13CAGLENN39.68211812-122.1940141ORLANDSAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KT1851SAN FRANCIS SEATTLE AWY BN 9CACOLUSA39.10105606-122.1518777CORTINA CREEK (1973)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KT1853SAN FRANCIS SEATTLE AWY BN 10CACOLUSA39.21853178-122.1525162WILLIAMS (1994)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE10NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LU1914SAN FRANCISCO SEATTL AWY BN 21CASHASTA40.73274725-122.3674802PROJECT CITY (1969)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LU1921SAN FRANCISCO SEATTL AWY BN 20CASHASTA40.57766717-122.4057748REDDING (1969)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE20NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LU1940SAN FRANCISCO SEATTL AWY BN 23CASHASTA40.98461016-122.3981088LAMOINE (1990)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LU1964SAN FRANCISCO SEATTL AWY BN 17CATEHAMA40.15713088-122.2420283RED BLUFF EAST (1976)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE17YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LU2004SAN FRANCISCO SEATTL AWY BN 18CATEHAMA40.27753285-122.2788226HOOKER (1965)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE18NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MX1005SEATTLE SAN FRAN AIRWAY BCN 27CASISKIYOU41.54772567-122.4865674LAKE SHASTINA (1984)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE27NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 5/14/2014. Reported by Tom J.
MX1044SEATTLE SAN FRAN AIRWAY BCN 26CASISKIYOU41.38636215-122.3818847WEED (1986)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE26NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MX1086SEATTLE SAN FRAN AIRWAY BCN 29CASISKIYOU41.85771703-122.5117552HAWKINSVILLE (1983)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE29NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowTook this picture on August 17, 2009. It shows some beacon parts, the foundation slab, bottom of ladder, and one of the angle iron supports. The red cans and jar are the hikers register. Reported 7/15/2019 by Andy Martin.
MX1095SEATTLE SAN FRAN AIRWAY BCN 28CASISKIYOU41.72845584-122.5398999MONTAGUE (1984)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Beacon site on Continental Divide Trail near Rollins Pass, COCOGILPIN39.917414-105.683605EAST PORTALUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowI read about the airway beacon in an old brochure about the Moffat Road while researching Rollins Pass and then found it on old airway map. It is also referenced on the National Geographic Trails Illustrated Topo map #103. The topo map also indicates a Benchmark there. Reported by Kay Barfield on 3/14/2016.
HK0432EL PASO PUEBLO AWY BCN 48COLAS ANIMAS37.53303594-104.4070685LITTLE DOME (1971)EL PASOPUEBLO48NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HK0440EL PASO PUEBLO AWY BCN 45COLAS ANIMAS37.03746431-104.3312969BARELA (1971)EL PASOPUEBLO45NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon intact, as of 9/3/2013. Reported by Louis McGinnis.
JK1093DENVER ALBUQUERQUE AWY BCN 1COPUEBLO38.40062723-104.6154383PINON (1974)ALBUQUERQUEDENVER1NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JK1124DENVER ALBUQUERQUE AWY BCN 52COPUEBLO38.02577726-104.5828563GOAT BUTTE (1970)ALBUQUERQUEDENVER52NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JK1181DENVER ALBUQUERQUE AWY BCN 3COEL PASO38.69001358-104.6965972FOUNTAIN (1994)ALBUQUERQUEDENVER3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JK1199PUEBLO CHEYENNE AIRWAY BCN 5COEL PASO38.99167984-104.8128777PIKEVIEW (1994)CHEYENNEPUEBLO5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KK1650PUEBLO CHEYENNE AIRWAY BCN 6COEL PASO39.12272471-104.867966MONUMENT (1986)CHEYENNEPUEBLO6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KL0620LOS ANGELES DENVER AWY BCN 79COSUMMIT39.92803123-106.2699218KING CREEK (1987)DENVERLOS ANGELES79NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KL0666LOS ANGELES DENVER AWY BCN 76ACOEAGLE39.73964285-106.8015642EAGLE (1987)DENVERLOS ANGELES76ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KL0699LOS ANGELES DENVER AWY BCN 73COGARFIELD39.42263092-107.3760297CENTER MOUNTAIN (1987)DENVERLOS ANGELES73NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowTower intact, as of 4/2015. Reported 4/17/2017 by Brian Lee.
LL1223PUEBLO CHEYENNE AIRWAY BCN 15COWELD40.39701853-104.6907116GREELEY (1980)CHEYENNEPUEBLO15NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThis beacon no longer stands. This location is currently the Mexican restaurant Almanza's. Reported by Allina Condie on 6/5/2018.
LL1245BEACON 3COWELD40.37820563-104.8720123BRACEWELL (1980)CHEYENNEDENVER3NNAmber 3Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LL1260PUEBLO CHEYENNE AIRWAY BCN 16COWELD40.58129056-104.7308762EATON (1975)CHEYENNEPUEBLO16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LL1264PUEBLO CHEYENNE AIRWAY BCN 17COWELD40.70452094-104.780116NUNN (1975)CHEYENNEPUEBLO17NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LL1272PUEBLO CHEYENNE AIRWAY BCN 19COWELD40.98976294-104.8013696CARR EAST (1972)CHEYENNEPUEBLO19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LL1277PUEBLO CHEYENNE AIRWAY BCN 18COWELD40.8263928-104.8104424DOVER (1972)CHEYENNEPUEBLO18NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LD0778KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AIR BCN 21IA 40.78559236-91.11819963 CHICAGOKANSAS CITY21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MG0890OMAHA CHI AWY BN SE OF WINDHAMIAJOHNSON41.58512674-91.71077227WILLIAMSTOWN (1965)CHICAGOOMAHA NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MG0901OMAHA CHI AWY BCN E OF PARNELLIAIOWA41.58320642-91.96543598HOLBROOK (1973)CHICAGOOMAHA NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MH0459AIR BEACON 1 MI W OF MARENGOIAIOWA41.78201071-92.08465692MARENGO (1965)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MH0470OMAHA AWY BCN WSW MILLERSBURGIAIOWA41.57146397-92.20203147MILLERSBURG (1968)CHICAGOOMAHA NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MH0617COLFAX AEROPLANE BEACONIAJASPER41.68091078-93.23495155COLFAX (1965)      Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 4/8/2017. Reported by Amanda Kirk, who spoke to the property owners. They knew of the beacon, but it was already gone when they purchased the land 20 years ago. They incorporated the concrete base into their garage.
MJ1097STUART OMAHA CHICAGO AIR BCN 9IAADAIR41.46067009-94.26080375STUART SOUTH (1983)CHICAGOOMAHA9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1099CASEY OMAHA CHICAGO AIR BCN 8IAADAIR41.44360865-94.52816773CANBY (1971)OMAHACHICAGO8NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1104ADAIR OMAHA CHICAGO AIR BCN 7IAADAIR41.48920481-94.63343352ADAIR SOUTH (1971)CHICAGOOMAHA7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1112ANITA OMAHA CHICAGO AIR BCN 5IACASS41.41382735-94.8063107ANITA (1971)CHICAGOOMAHA5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1181ATLANTIC OMAHA CHICAGO BCN 4IACASS41.40405646-95.06239231ATLANTIC (1971)CHICAGOOMAHA4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1203AIRWAY BEACON 1IAPOTTAWATTAMIE41.32553056-95.61430614TAYLOR (1957)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1250AIRWAY BEACON 0IAPOTTAWATTAMIE41.28863597-95.84473574COUNCIL BLUFFS NORTH (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MK1834OMAHA/SIOUX FALLS AMBER 4 BN 2IAHARRISON41.61882021-96.03602432MODALE (1970)OMAHASIOUX FALLS2NNAmber 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NM1646OMAHA/BISMARCK AWY BCN 9IAPLYMOUTH42.60571418-96.42857911SIOUX CITY NORTH (1994)BISMARCKOMAHA9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NM1663OMAHA SIOUX FALLS AMB 4 BN 5IAMONONA42.03358901-96.2042431ONAWA SW (1969)OMAHASIOUX FALLS5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NM1666OMAHA/SIOUX FALLS AMB 4 AWY 6IAWOODBURY42.24330331-96.29938601ALBATON (1969)OMAHASIOUX FALLS6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NM1708OMAHA BISMARCK AIRWAY BCN 11IAPLYMOUTH42.82261802-96.50759556JEFFERSON (1994)BISMARCKOMAHA11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
ON0841AVIATION BEACON NEAR LEE MONIAALLAMAKEE43.49638351-91.2988936NEW ALBIN (1968)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OY0788AIR RM 1 near Hamer, IDIDJEFFERSON43.96237975-112.1679772HAMERUpdated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon destroyed; part of concrete pad remains, as of 10/15/2016. Reported by Kaarin Englemann.
Arrow southeast of Boise, IDIDELMORE43.365891-115.956668MAYFIELD SWSALT LAKE CITYBOISE27YUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow found in fair condition, as of 3/15/2015. This marker does not appear to have any NGS data sheets associated with it. From Boise, go southeast on I-84 to the Mayfield/Orchard exit. Go north on Mayfield Road 0.6 miles to Desert Wind Road. Turn right (SE) and go 2.4 miles to the intersection of Regina Rd. The marker is approximately 600' north of the intersection on top of a small ridge on the west side of Regina Road on private property. Reported by Glen Smallwood.
Beacon tower at Malad City Airport, IDIDONEIDA42.16628-112.287262MALAD CITY WESTYYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowKaarin provided information to Arrows Across America. According to the 1932 Airway Bulletin, there was once an arrow, but it is not visible today. It seems that over time, the number changed to 9. No arrow, beacon and generator shed remaining, as of 10/15/2016. Reported by Kaarin Englemann.
Beacon tower SW of Canyon, IDID47.570209-116.428824Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowBeacon tower intact but no light or arrow. [Triangulation station GOOD on the site (SV1459) describes tower as 4-LEGGED STEEL STRUCTURE 85 FEET HIGH - JKG] Reported 6/22/2020 by Dustin Wise.
Destroyed/re-purposed site near Mountain Home, IDIDELMORE43.0623-115.53624REVERSEUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed/Re-purposed, as of 5/4/2015. Details: Scaled the rough location shown on the 1936 Airway Map No 135, and correlated it with a USGS topo quad. Field search located a locked fenced in radio tower on the site, which is on top of a small hill along with a USGS monument (OZ1033) which the datasheet referenced Airway Beacon 23 with an azimuth and distance. It appears that the tower was removed, as the structure is similar, but not the same as the Internation Derrick & Equipment towers. Reported by Glen Smallwood.
NT0555BEAR LK CO AIR BEAIDBEAR LAKE42.25385904-111.3360504MONTPELIER (1967)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NU1617AIRWAY BN 14 3 MI S OF MICHAUDIDPOWER42.85603111-112.6337825WHEATGRASS BENCH (1971)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NU1623AIR BEACON 12 BIDPOWER42.54685428-112.571983PAULINE (1971)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NU1678SALT LAKE PENDLETON BCN 14 AIDCASSIA42.5412971-113.4558471LAKE WALCOTT SW (1984)PENDLETONSALT LAKE CITY14ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NU1711SALT LAKE PENDLETON BCN 13IDCASSIA42.41568828-113.3998019IDAHOME (1978)PENDLETONSALT LAKE CITY13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NU1740SALT LAKE PENDLETON BCN 14 BIDCASSIA42.54780739-113.6166257RUPERT SE (1978)PENDLETONSALT LAKE CITY14BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NU1741PORTLAND SALT LAKE AWY BN 47 BIDCASSIA42.54775644-113.6166388RUPERT SE (1978)PORTLANDSALT LAKE CITY47BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NU1758BURLEY AIRPORT BEACONIDCASSIA42.5395361-113.7683948BURLEY SE (1978)   Y  Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1008SALT LAKE PENDLETON AWY BCN 17IDJEROME42.67173889-114.1419734HUNT (1992)PENDLETONSALT LAKE CITY17NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1010AIRWAY BEACON 17ID 42.6250618-114.2670767    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1025AIRWAY BEACON 18ID 42.72413661-114.4626441    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1072AIRWAY BEACON 19ID 42.78722587-114.7041464    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1108GOODING AIRPORT AIRWAY BCN 20IDGOODING42.91528274-114.7554013GOODING BUTTE (1992)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1111AIRWAY BEACON 20ID 42.85110023-114.8301977    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1117AIRWAY BEACON 21IDGOODING42.92508631-114.9498996BLISS (1992)PORTLANDSALT LAKE CITY21NConcrete-X Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1125SALT LAKE PORTLAND AWY BCN 22IDGOODING42.95970999-115.0135213TICESKA (1992)PORTLANDSALT LAKE CITY22NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NV1144AIRWAY BEACON 23IDELMORE42.99129344-115.3741813GLENNS FERRY (1992)   NConcrete-X Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OH1234AIRWAY BCN 29 8 MI SE OF BOISEIDADA43.50343841-116.1278545BOISE SOUTH (1976)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow in poor condition. Tower has been removed, as of 3/15/2015. Reported by Glen Smallwood.
OY0788AIR RM 1IDJEFFERSON43.96237975-112.1679772HAMER (1964)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OY0791POCATELLO BUTTE AWY BCN 20IDJEFFERSON43.72278021-112.1067019LEWISVILLE (1979)BUTTEPOCATELLO20NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OY0826AIRWAY BCN 18 4 MI N OF FIRTHIDBINGHAM43.35913174-112.1889781FIRTH (1979)   NConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OZ1010AIRWAY BN 23 NW OF GLENS FERRYIDELMORE43.02737654-115.3805072HOT SPRINGS CREEK RESERVOIR (1986)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowTower and Beacon Intact, No Arrow, as of 5/4/2015. Details from Glen Smallwood: Did not find any evidence of a concrete slab or arrow at the surface, even under the tower. There was a graded area to the east where a shed would have been. There was no real road access to the site, which probably has helped keep the beacon lens intact. Tower manufacturer was the same as was found at Beacon 25 in Mountain Home. The controller box was manufactured in Switzerland, with a patent date of 1916. Details from Charles W. Voll: Google Earth imagery dated 5/9/2015 shows what appears to be a tower with out an arrow or concrete pad for building. Tower appears to be the same kind used for the airway beacons. Reported by Glen Smallwood and Charles W. Voll.
OZ1042AIRPORT BCN MTN HOME MUN APTIDELMORE43.12691802-115.7274829MOUNTAIN HOME NORTH (1992)   YN Updated NGS beacon/arrowTower found in good condition, and is located on the east side of the entrance to the Mountain Home Municipal Airport, as of 3/15/2015. The tower pad appears to be original, however the arrow tip and tail appears to have been demolished when the entrance was constructed. Reported by Glen Smallwood.
OZ1045AIRWAY BN 26 10 MI NW MTN HOMEIDELMORE43.24590938-115.8076004CRATER RINGS (1992)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow is in fair condition. Tower has been removed, as of 3/15/2015. Reported by Glen Smallwood.
PZ0637AIRWAY BCN 26 2 MI E OF MONIDAIDCLARK44.55861124-112.2884582MONIDA (1968)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThe person who controlled the land where the Monida tower was located removed the tower in the fall of 2018. Idaho Aviation Heritage purchased the tower and beacon, repaired them, and is in process of installing them at an exhibit hosted by the Legacy Flight Museum in Rexburg, ID (expected by the end of 2019). The generator shed is still on the original site and has been repainted and the roof repaired. Reported 7/10/2019 by Kaarin Engelmann. Tower and power shed intact, as of 1/10/2015. Reported by Zhanna.
PZ0656POCATELLO BUTTE AWY BCN 25IDCLARK44.37816917-112.1946778SPENCER NORTH (1972)BUTTEPOCATELLO25NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PZ0669POCATELLO BUTTE AWY BCN 23IDCLARK44.16885798-112.2243513DUBOIS NW (1964)BUTTEPOCATELLO23NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThe power shed is intact, with an original electrical panel inside. The beacon is operational and can be turned on by someone from the city or our organization. We have installed an informational sign, with more to come. Idaho Aviation Heritage was able to purchase two original course lights (they came from New York) and will be installing them on the beacon in Dubois, expected by the end of 2019. Arrow has been repainted and grass trimmed back. Bicycles are available to pilots in a shed provided by Idaho Aviation Association. Reported 7/10/2019 by Kaarin Engelmann. Air field is operational--owned by city. Power supplied by city utilities. Arrow intact, 2 sheds intact but no equipment inside, as of 10/13/2015. Reported by Gerald Muller.
QB1221SALT LAKE PORTLAND AWY BCN 36IDWASHINGTON44.32718641-117.1666323OLDS FERRY (1974)PORTLANDSALT LAKE CITY36NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QB1302AIRWAY BCN 33 NE NEW PLYMOUTHIDPAYETTE44.01946007-116.7621659BIRDING ISLAND (1952)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1430GREAT FALLS SPOKANE AWY BN 29AIDSHOSHONE47.56125856-116.1554314KELLOGG WEST (1996)GREAT FALLSSPOKANE29ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1454AIRWAY BCN 28 5 MI WNW CATALDOIDKOOTENAI47.67665839-116.3104089ROSE LAKE (1996)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1578GREAT FALLS SPOKANE AWY BCN 27IDKOOTENAI47.58118259-116.6885751MOUNT COEUR D€™ALENE (1996)GREAT FALLSSPOKANE27NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CU7047GREAT FALLS SPOKANE AWY BCN 25IDKOOTENAI47.62228919-116.988339ROCKFORD BAY (1981)GREAT FALLSSPOKANE25NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HE0713TULSA KANSAS CITY AIRWAY BN 11KSALLEN37.88113739-95.39095088IOLA (1984)KANSAS CITYTULSA11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HE0805TULSA KANSAS CITY AWY BCN 9KSWILSON37.49306976-95.54359694MOREHEAD (1979)KANSAS CITYTULSA9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HF1187AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 33KSBUTLER37.96114943-96.78617181DE GRAFF (1961)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY33NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HF1196AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 32KSBUTLER37.89709286-96.93256319EL DORADO NW (1961)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY32NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HF1203AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 31KSBUTLER37.79597068-97.0807497BENTON (1983)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY31NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HF1245AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 28KSSEDGWICK37.53460291-97.42001552BAYNEVILLE (1981)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HF1365AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 27KSSUMNER37.44561648-97.58362553MILLERTON (1971)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY27NConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HF1373AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 26KSSUMNER37.35042423-97.74795627MILAN (1981)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY26NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HF1421AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 25KSHARPER37.25501745-97.91097312DANVILLE (1971)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY25NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HG0831AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 24KSHARPER37.15188526-98.07693797ANTHONY (1983)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY24NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow and beacon intact, as of 1/2/2015. Reported by John.
HG0841AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 23KSHARPER37.06494684-98.20125198WALDRON (1972)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1625AMARILLO KANS CITY AWY BCN 44AKSJOHNSON38.87883033-95.0188139EUDORA (1978)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY44ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1633AMARILLO KANS CITY AWY BCN 43KSDOUGLAS38.78737774-95.18183692BALDWIN CITY (1978)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY43NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1644TULSA KANSAS CITY AWY BN 17KSFRANKLIN38.58002469-95.06528932RANTOUL (1983)KANSAS CITYTULSA17NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1654AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 42KSFRANKLIN38.70706338-95.31630614OTTAWA NORTH (1983)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY42NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1673AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 41KSFRANKLIN38.62892853-95.45628596OTTAWA NW (1983)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY41NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1695TULSA KANSAS CITY AWY BN 16KSANDERSON38.33913116-95.19267787GARNETT EAST (1983)KANSAS CITYTULSA16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1709TULSA KANSAS CITY AWY BN 13KSANDERSON38.10379345-95.29920278COLONY (1966)KANSAS CITYTULSA13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1751AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 39KSCOFFEY38.43395869-95.79259688LEBO (1973)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY39NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE1805AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 40KSOSAGE38.52221035-95.6464856LYNDON (1983)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY40NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE2026AMARILLO KANS CITY AWY BCN 45KSJOHNSON38.9636822-94.87237925OLATHE (1991)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY45NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JE2042GARDNER MUN AIRPORT BEACON 44BKSJOHNSON38.81063673-94.95952875GARDNER (1991)   Y  Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JF1410AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BN 35KSCHASE38.13012728-96.45841626THRALL NW (1973)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY35NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1151AMARILLO KANS CITY AWY BCN 46KSJOHNSON39.03896936-94.7363793SHAWNEE (1991)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY46NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1184FT LEAVENWORTH AIRPORT AWY BNKSLEAVENWORTH39.36945169-94.92303027LEAVENWORTH (1984)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NEW ORLEANS-ATLANTA AIRWAY BEACON NO. 2LAORLEANS30.166532-89.737617RIGOLETSUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowThe satellite photograph shows a rectangular reddish colored slab in the position indicated from analysis of the two photographs of the beacon. Beacon destroyed, foundation intact, as of 2/4/2016. Reported by Reese Patterson.
BJ4137NEW ORLEANS ST LOUIS AWY BCN 6LAWASHINGTON30.90332489-90.06649994PINE (1983)NEW ORLEANSST LOUIS6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BJ4266SHUSHAN AIRPORT AIRWAY BEACONLAORLEANS30.03589324-90.02441934SPANISH FORT (1992)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BJ4309HOUSTON NEW ORLEANS BCN 29LA 30.06125301-90.47108596 HOUSTONNEW ORLEANS29NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BJ4398HOUSTON NEW ORLEANS AWY BCN 28LAST JAMES30.07675568-90.70481903LUTCHER (1994)HOUSTONNEW ORLEANS28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BK3111LAKE CHAR MAJESTIC HTL AWY BNLACALCASIEU30.22788286-93.21630126LAKE CHARLES (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CP3041FORT WORTH ATLANTA AWY BCN 32LARICHLAND32.49164485-91.85713368RAYVILLE (1982)FORT WORTHATLANTA32NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CQ2936FORT WORTH JACKSON AWY BCN 26LALINCOLN32.54309452-92.85166169SIMSBORO (1994)FORT WORTHJACKSON26NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CQ2995FT WORTH ATLANTA AIRWAY BCN 25LABIENVILLE32.53141455-93.05046081GIBSLAND (1986)FT WORTHATLANTA25NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CQ3025FT WORTH ATLANTA AIRWAY BCN 23LAWEBSTER32.53452534-93.29513578MINDEN SOUTH (1981)FT WORTHATLANTA23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CQ3244FT WORTH ATLANTA AIRWAY BCN 22LABOSSIER32.53326258-93.53039053EASTWOOD (1975)FT WORTHATLANTA22NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Indian Mounds Park Airway Beacon, St. Paul, MNMNRAMSEY44.9465127-93.0577422SAINT PAUL EASTUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowThis one has been sitting above downtown St. Paul in in working condition for years. It resides inside Indian Mounds Park, as of 1/29/2016. Wikipedia also references it from the park's page. Reported by Eric Rautio.
ON0793AIRWAY BEACON 23 DRESBACHMNWINONA43.87859228-91.3351736HOLMEN (1973)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PO0702AVIATION BEACON 25 A OLD 29 AMNWINONA44.05539243-91.71037622WINONA WEST (1993)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PO0715AVIATION BEACON 26 OLD 30MN 44.17334372-91.86215286    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PP2198AVIATION BEACON 30 OLD 34MNGOODHUE44.54094308-92.41436883BAY CITY (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PP2217AVIATION BCN 28 OLD 32 BMN 44.39928008-92.08547862    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PP2301AVIATION BCN 29 OLD 33MNWABASHA44.42722477-92.259355LAKE CITY (1974)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PP2470AVIATION BEACON 33 OLD 37MNWASHINGTON44.81890091-92.91179716ST PAUL PARK (1993)MILWAUKEEST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLI33 OLD 37NConcrete Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow complete and intact, tower and generator shed gone. Per the current owner Jim, whose father bought the land in 1920, the beacon was built in 1928 and at some point in the 1950's the mechanism that turned the light on at dusk and off at dawn failed and they had to manually switch it on and off. After doing this for some time due to parts unavailability the beacon was deactivated and the tower and generator shed were removed. The arrow is clearly visible in Google Maps. The angle of the tip of the arrow is not an artifact nor a sign of damage. It was built that way. Reported 10/29/2019 by Don Butner.
RP0918HELENA TWIN CITIES AWY BCN 81MNOTTER TAIL46.54406389-96.25972682LAWNDALE (1981)HELENATWIN CITIES81NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RP0931HELENA TWIN CITIES AWY BCN 79MNCLAY46.65228011-96.43974174BARNESVILLE (1981)HELENATWIN CITIES79NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RP0948HELENA TWIN CITIES AWY BN 82 AMNOTTER TAIL46.41657563-96.11324545ERHARD (1973)HELENATWIN CITIES82ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Beacon #9, northeast of Tarkio, MOMOATCHISON40.335292-95.274431TARKIO SOUTHEASTKANSAS CITYOMAHA9Amber 4Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowTower intact. The airway beacon tower is in my front yard. The light was removed but the tower is there, as of 4/18/2016. Reported by Sam Graves.
Beacon #10, northeast of Tarkio, MOMOATCHISON40.451808-95.360992TARKIO EASTKANSAS CITYOMAHA10YAmber 4Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowThe road actually goes around the site of the beacon, which was removed after WWII. This intersection has always been known as Beacon Corner. The tower and shed are gone, as of 4/19/2016. Reported by Sam Graves.
GD1843MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AIRWAY BCN 45MODUNKLIN36.60795831-89.97455762MALDEN (1978)MEMPHISST LOUIS45NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GD1859MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AIRWAY BCN 46MOSTODDARD36.8305627-89.94208641DEXTER (1979)MEMPHISST LOUIS46NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GD1862MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AIRWAY BCN 47MOSTODDARD36.99109476-89.94487439BLOOMFIELD (1979)MEMPHISST LOUIS47NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GG0537AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 45MOLAWRENCE36.95009832-94.01680751PIERCE CITY (1972)AMARILLOST LOUIS45NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GG0571AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 44MONEWTON36.85190201-94.26500792NEOSHO EAST (1981)AMARILLOST LOUIS44NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GG0582AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 43AMONEWTON36.78431976-94.45045643NEOSHO WEST (1972)AMARILLOST LOUIS43ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GG0586AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 43BMONEWTON36.85085054-94.39985898NEOSHO WEST (1972)AMARILLOST LOUIS43BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HB1750MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AWY BEACON 48MOSTODDARD37.10621096-89.93147545ADVANCE (1963)MEMPHISST LOUIS48NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HB1751MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AWY BEACON 49MOBOLLINGER37.19409777-89.94212605DONGOLA (1978)MEMPHISST LOUIS49NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HB1758MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AWY BEACON 50MOBOLLINGER37.40241468-89.93547596SCOPUS (1980)MEMPHISST LOUIS50NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HB1772MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AWY BEACON 52MOBOLLINGER37.58878416-89.87984784SEDGEWICKVILLE (1980)MEMPHISST LOUIS52NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HB1775MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AWY BEACON 53MOPERRY37.732522-89.89532239PERRYVILLE WEST (1980)MEMPHISST LOUIS53NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HB1787MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AWY BEACON 54MOPERRY37.80465596-89.96577037LITHIUM (1993)MEMPHISST LOUIS54NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HC0903TULSA ST LOUIS AWY BCN 59MOPHELPS37.92998366-91.9640219NEWBURG (1992)ST LOUISTULSA59NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HC0909MEMPHIS ST LOUIS AWY BCN 55MOSTE GENEVIEVE37.9894749-90.05187947STE GENEVIEVE (1993)MEMPHISST LOUIS55NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HC0940AIRPORT BCN FARMINGTON MUN APTMOST FRANCOIS37.77640449-90.40592345FARMINGTON (1982)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1036TULSA ST LOUIS AIRWAY BCN 57MOPULASKI37.8199895-92.20651914WAYNESVILLE (1985)ST LOUISTULSA57NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1072TULSA ST LOUIS AWY BCN 56MOLACLEDE37.6791527-92.42961788DRYNOB (1976)ST LOUISTULSA56NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1073BEACON 56 PP BUILDING NORTH CORMOLACLEDE37.67913714-92.42967488DRYNOB (1976)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1176AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 53MOWEBSTER37.46545847-92.83580554NIANGUA (1982)AMARILLOST LOUIS53NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1199TULSA ST LOUIS AWY BCN 54AMOLACLEDE37.57212138-92.63583552BRUSH CREEK (1979)ST LOUISTULSA54ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1207TULSA ST LOUIS AWY BCN 54BMOLACLEDE37.65106728-92.64983598LEBANON (1978)ST LOUISTULSA54BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1309SPRINGFIELD MUN APT W AWY TWRMOGREENE37.24439459-93.40456398BROOKLINE (1975)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1317SPRINGFIELD MUN APT SE AWY TWRMOGREENE37.24439612-93.40428524BROOKLINE (1975)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HD1319SPRINGFIELD MUN APT N AWY TWRMOGREENE37.24461808-93.40427625BROOKLINE (1975)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JC1461AIRWAY BCN 64 6 MI S BEAUFORTMOFRANKLIN38.3324364-91.20939135SPRING BLUFF (1980)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JC1509TULSA ST LOUIS AIRWAY BCN 61MOGASCONADE38.12240755-91.57711304ROSATI (1979)ST LOUISTULSA61NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JC1538KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BN 15MOCALLAWAY38.91250736-91.66729418WILLIAMSBURG (1985)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS15NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JC1568KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BN 14MOCALLAWAY38.93719186-91.94132414KINGDOM CITY (1985)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JD2464KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BN 13MOCALLAWAY38.951014-92.12839693MILLERSBURG (1982)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JD2500KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BN 11MOBOONE38.9678109-92.36024358COLUMBIA (1981)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS11NNGreen 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1095KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BCN 8MOCOOPER39.02290811-92.96576493ARROW ROCK (1971)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS8NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1139KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 10BMOLINN39.95066706-92.85673016NEW BOSTON (1979)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY10BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1145KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 10MOLINN39.89791185-92.97405273BUCKLIN NW (1979)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY10NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1173KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 6MOLIVINGSTON39.65909776-93.48193479AVALON (1984)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1178KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 8MOLINN39.76106314-93.28704465MEADVILLE (1984)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY8NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1181KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 7MOLIVINGSTON39.77993461-93.49592887WHEELING (1984)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY7YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1201KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BN 7MOSALINE39.09414314-93.19933848MARSHALL SOUTH (1971)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1210KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BN 6MOSALINE39.08148225-93.39062541BLACKBURN (1978)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1243KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BN 5MOLAFAYETTE39.09512278-93.55835904ALMA (1978)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1264KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BCN 3MOLAFAYETTE39.11812177-93.95211764ODESSA NORTH (1978)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KD1295KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 5MOCARROLL39.53872221-93.7209619PLYMOUTH (1979)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1311KANSAS C MINNEAPOLIS AWY BN 4MODE KALB39.765156-94.37476363FORDHAM (1983)KANSAS CITYMINNEAPOLIS4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1317KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BCN 3MORAY39.42495823-94.00672488KNOXVILLE (1979)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1321KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BCN 2MORAY39.33759577-94.16708355EXCELSIOR SPRINGS (1990)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1346KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BCN 2MOJACKSON39.12751797-94.18557934BUCKNER (1990)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1378KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS AWY BCN 1MOJACKSON39.12024856-94.37973172INDEPENDENCE (1990)KANSAS CITYST LOUIS1NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1397KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BCN 0MOCLAY39.17746664-94.48252328LIBERTY (1990)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY0NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1412KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BCN 1MOCLAY39.26518074-94.31427533KEARNEY (1990)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY1NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1426KANSAS CITY OMAHA AWY BCN 1MOPLATTE39.31036308-94.65827633FERRELVIEW (1975)KANSAS CITYOMAHA1NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1430KANSAS CITY OMAHA AWY BCN 2MOPLATTE39.45957936-94.74129395CAMDEN POINT (1961)KANSAS CITYOMAHA2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1528KANSAS CITY OMAHA AWY BCN 3MOBUCHANAN39.60147618-94.78819945DEARBORN (1978)KANSAS CITYOMAHA3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1547ST JOSEPH MUN AIRPORT AWY BCNMOBUCHANAN39.77674529-94.86536215ST JOSEPH NORTH (1978)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KE1557AMBER AIRWAY 4 BEACON 5MOANDREW39.91843664-94.96621015AMAZONIA (1972)   NNAmber 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LD0853KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BCN 16MOCLARK40.44437778-91.85340666MEDILL (1975)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LD0871KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 18AMOCLARK40.52155001-91.68404467CROTON (1982)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY18ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LE0452KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 15MOSCOTLAND40.35090495-92.02432461RUTLEDGE (1965)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY15NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LE0454KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 14MOKNOX40.25545674-92.21688288GREENSBURG (1965)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LE0471KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 13MOADAIR40.16947059-92.38353083BRASHEAR (1966)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LE0485KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 12MOADAIR40.10251912-92.54291805MILLARD (1979)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY12YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LE0493KANSAS CITY CHICAGO AWY BN 11MOMACON40.02805556-92.70949301GIFFORD (1979)CHICAGOKANSAS CITY11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LF1332AMBER AIRWAY 4 BEACON 7MOHOLT40.10097392-95.08517628NEW POINT (1981)   NNAmber 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LF1340AMBER AIRWAY 4 BEACON 8MOHOLT40.21145936-95.19295341MOUND CITY (1981)   NNAmber 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Beacon tower N of Bozeman, MTMTBROADWATER46.54-111.71CANYON FERRY SW1Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowAirway Beacon #1 ( ._ _ ) points to KHLN and Airway Beacon #5 (. _ . ) near Bozeman, MT (45.965N,111.338W). Still in use and shown on VFR sectional chart Great Falls. Reported by Dan on 8/15/2017.
Beacon tower W of Helena, MTMTLEWIS AND CLARK46.55622-112.309MAC DONALD PASS49Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowBeacon #49 at MacDonald Pass near Helena, MT. Operational/still in use. Shown on Great Falls sectional Chart. ( - - . ) 49 points to Beacon 47 Garrison (- . . ) and KHLN. Reported by Dan on 8/15/2017.
QV0342AIRWAY BCN 34 10 MI NW WYOLAMTBIG HORN45.19708729-107.582272WILLOW CREEK DAM (1969)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QW0514BILLINGS B AIRWAY BEACONMTYELLOWSTONE45.63094416-108.2591582BADBABY COULEE (1980)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QW0577CANYON CREEK B AIRWAY BEACONMTSTILLWATER45.76985694-108.9152233MOLT (1956)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QX0728LIVINGSTON MUN AIRPORT BCN 10MTPARK45.66624172-110.5290723LIVINGSTON (1951)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QY0497AIRWAY BCN 34 NNE TWIN BRIDGESMTMADISON45.62264004-112.2777329TWIN BRIDGES (1989)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QY0505AIRWAY BN 36F 8 MI SE OF BUTTEMTSILVER BOW45.90822344-112.4156338HOMESTAKE (1996)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QY0516AIRWAY BCN 32 DILLON MUN APTMTBEAVERHEAD45.25255931-112.5543872GLEN SE (1979)   YN Updated NGS beacon/arrowTower and power shed intact, as of 1/10/2015. Reported by Zhanna.
QY0531AIRWAY BCN 30 10 MI SSW DILLONMTBEAVERHEAD45.07029537-112.8107947DALYS (1952)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowTower intact, as of 1/10/2015. Reported by Zhanna.
RT0481BILLINGS BISMARCK AWY BCN 38MTPRAIRIE46.65666892-105.0200264FLAT TOP BUTTE NE (1969)BILLINGSBISMARCK38NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RT0485BILLINGS BISMARCK AWY BCN 37MTPRAIRIE46.59939669-105.2896285SPRING DRAW (1969)BILLINGSBISMARCK37NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RV0743GREAT FALLS BILLINGS AWY BN 48MTFERGUS46.8430194-109.2621141HALF MOON CANYON (1995)BILLINGSGREAT FALLS48NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RW0489AIRWAY BCN 43 18 MI NNE HELENAMTLEWIS AND CLARK46.85373903-111.9478719UPPER HOLTER LAKE (1979)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RX0900AIRWAY BEACONMTJEFFERSON46.07989217-112.1401436RATIO MOUNTAIN (1996)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RX0926AIRWAY BCN B 3 NW SILVER BOWMTSILVER BOW46.05184711-112.7124024RAMSAY (1996)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RX0931AIRWAY BCN B 2 SSW DEER LODGEMTDEER LODGE46.22960482-112.781044WARM SPRINGS (1989)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RX0950AIRWAY BCN 47 SSW OF AVONMTPOWELL46.54762295-112.6363763LUKE MOUNTAIN (1989)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RX0975AIRWAY BCN 44 A SW OF DRUMMONDMTGRANITE46.65209067-113.2689535BEARMOUTH (1989)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SS1457GREAT FALLS ID FALLS AWY BN 47MTCASCADE47.35996904-111.5837106NELSON ISLAND (1983)GREAT FALLSIDAHO FALLS47NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SS1506AIRWAY BCN 53 7 MI NE STANFORDMTJUDITH BASIN47.19934813-110.1010098STANFORD NE (1978)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SS1522AIRWAY BCN 56 12 MI ESE BELTMTJUDITH BASIN47.33661946-110.6920104RAYNESFORD (1995)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SS1548GREAT FALLS BILLINGS AWY BN 57MTCASCADE47.38153183-110.8844494BELT (1982)BILLINGSGREAT FALLS57NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SU1122ST REGIS BEACONMTMINERAL47.28725849-115.0504703SAINT REGIS (1988)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RR0768BISMARCK FARGO AWY BN 62NDKIDDER46.82869961-100.0706652LAKE GENEVA (1975)BISMARCKFARGO62NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RR0843ABERDEEN MINOT AMBER 4 BCN 47NDEMMONS46.62062491-100.5030066FORT RICE (1971)ABERDEENMINOT47NNAmber 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RR0888BISMARK AIR BEACONNDMORTON46.77678072-101.0132634CROWN BUTTE LAKE (1972)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RR0972GLEN ULLIN MUN AIRPORT BEACONNDMORTON46.81334003-101.8533782GLEN ULLIN (1980)   Y  Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RS0394BISMARCK BILLINGS AWY BCN 50NDSTARK46.82822717-102.4584227BRATBURG BUTTE (1973)BILLINGSBISMARCK50NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SL1273FARGO WINNIPEG AIRWAY BEACON 5NDGRAND FORKS47.71547882-97.03448542REYNOLDS (1971)FARGOWINNIPEG5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SL1555FARGO WINNIPEG AIRWAY BEACON 2NDTRAILL47.32438258-96.92617869HALSTAD SW (1963)FARGOWINNIPEG2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SL1606FARGO WINNIPEG AIRWAY BEACON 4NDTRAILL47.51208229-96.97627952CLIMAX SW (1964)FARGOWINNIPEG4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow E of Potter, NENECHEYENNE41.214158-103.252218POTTERYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow appears intact, but nothing else visible from google aerials. Reported by Patrick Haynes.
LG0757OMAHA SALT LAKE CITY AWY BN 82NESEWARD40.90183598-97.1202128SEWARD (1964)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY82NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LG0796OMAHA SALT LAKE CITY AWY BN 81NESEWARD40.89471381-97.34414034UTICA (1966)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY81NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LG0896OMAHA SALT LAKE CITY AWY BN 80NEYORK40.88697093-97.59777089YORK NORTH (1980)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY80NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LH1044SALT LAKE CITY OMAHA AWY BN 68NEDAWSON40.8169479-99.74873709LEXINGTON EAST (1983)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY68NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LH1087SALT LAKE CITY OMAHA AWY BN 67NEDAWSON40.87775696-99.93918785COZAD NW (1971)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY67NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LJ0382SALT LAKE CITY OMAHA AWY BN 66NEDAWSON40.92194657-100.1575999GOTHENBURG (1983)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY66NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LJ0475DENVER GRAND IS AWY BCN 23NEFRONTIER40.57594538-100.6295446CURTIS SW (1983)DENVERGRAND ISLAND23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1205AIRWAY BN 14 FLASH RED WHITENEDOUGLAS41.00100738-95.72219925GLENWOOD (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1227OFFUTT FIELD AIRWAY BCN 332NESARPY41.13274166-95.91550306OMAHA SOUTH (1994)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MJ1288OMAHA SIOUX FALLS AMBER 4 BCNNEWASHINGTON41.40973844-95.95179654LOVELAND (1994)OMAHASIOUX FALLS NNAmber 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MK1960OMAHA/SIOUX FALLS AMBER 4 BN 3NEBURT41.82185314-96.12907548TEKAMAH (1983)OMAHASIOUX FALLS3NNAmber 4Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MK1989AIRWAY BEACON 88NEDOUGLAS41.24064144-96.02839621RALSTON (1984)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MK1998AIRWAY BN 87 FLASH RED WHITENEDOUGLAS41.14625381-96.23385762GRETNA (1984)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MM0376SALT LAKE CTY OMAHA AWY BCN 65NELINCOLN41.02785854-100.360092BRADY (1970)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY65NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MM0455HERSHEY WATER TK=AIRWAY BN 62NELINCOLN41.15884761-101.0042317HERSHEY WEST (1971)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MN0422AIRWAY BEACONNEGARDEN41.02756224-102.0076747BIG SPRINGS (1961)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NP0689CHEYENNE HURON AWY BCN 17NEDAWES42.82877191-103.0930406CHADRON WEST (1980)CHEYENNEHURON17YN Updated NGS beacon/arrowLooking at various Google and other maps, the tower was standing in 2012 (visible in Google Street View from a nearby highway). There is a shed nearby which may be the original, slightly relocated. The arrow isn't obvious. 2013 satellite images show the tower on its side on the ground a short distance from its original location. I can't find any more recent photos. Tower may or may not be standing, shed possibly nearby, no arrow obvious. From Kerri Rempp, Chadron Record editor: "I checked with the city public works director who responded that the old tower has been sold, but the buyer is keeping it in one piece with the intention of setting it up at a later date." So the tower was removed from the airport in 2013. Reported by Brian Lee.
Arrow E of Continental Divide, NMNMMCKINLEY35.426736-108.303229CONTINENTAL DIVIDEYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowPart of the Lindbergh Route. Ford Trimotors flew this route between Clovis NM and Los Angeles, CA. Reported on 11/6/2019 by Ray Hawkins.
Arrow E of Laguna Pueblo, NMNM34.984758-107.148957CORREOYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow visible on Google Earth. Reported 11/6/2019 by Ray Hawkins.
Arrow in Columbus, NMNMLUNA31.824812-107.632076COLUMBUSUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow and concrete footing/steps to shack intact, as of 4/23/2017. Reported by Bob Anderson.
Arrow near Prewitt, NMNMMCKINLEY35.362556-108.046015PREWITTYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow only; visible via Google Earth. Reported 11/6/2019 by Ray Hawkins.
Arrow NW of Acoma Pueblo, NMNM35.061035-107.725416MCCARTYSYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow remains. Visible via Google Earth. Reported 11/6/2019 by Ray Hawkins.
Arrow SW of Church Rock, NMNMMCKINLEY35.529398-108.606455CHURCH ROCKYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, no tower or shed as of 2017-08-03. Reported by Brian Lee.
CE0702PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 39NMDONA ANA31.82157814-106.7778415NORIA (1985)EL PASOPHOENIX39NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThere's a benchmark, remnants of an arrow and concrete pad, as well as some other small debris depicted. Beacon is destroyed. Reported 5/12/2020 by Tony Rivera.
CF0275HATCHITA AIRPORT BEACONNMGRANT31.91861045-108.3284778HACHITA (1982)EL PASOPHOENIX29BY  Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
CF0284PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 29 ANMGRANT31.95038982-108.4569492PLAYAS PEAK (1982)EL PASOPHOENIX29 ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CF0310PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 26 BNMHIDALGO31.93312165-108.9503665ANTELOPE PASS (1982)EL PASOPHOENIX26 BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CF0312PHOENIX EL PASO AWY BCN 26 ANMHIDALGO31.92834494-108.995529ANTELOPE PASS (1982)EL PASOPHOENIX26 ANN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 3/23/2015. Reported by Alan Rice.
CX1741AWY BCN 6 18 MI E OF RINCONNMDONA ANA32.64046934-106.7544867SELDEN CANYON NE (1982)   NNAmber 3Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DS1244AIRWAY BCN 10 2.5 MI E ENGLENMSIERRA33.18018489-106.9866825SHANNON CANYON NW (1981)   NNAmber 3Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EQ0737EL PASO PUEBLO AWY BCN 19NMSOCORRO34.42055443-106.7394892BLACK BUTTE (1979)EL PASOPUEBLO19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EQ0747EL PASO PUEBLO AWY BCN 17NMSOCORRO34.20174952-106.7667486MESA DEL YESO (1959)EL PASOPUEBLO17NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EQ0840EL PASO PUEBLO AWY BCN 21NMVALENCIA34.81413317-106.6579431LOS LUNAS (1991)EL PASOPUEBLO21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EQ0918AIRWAY BCN 20 5 MI SE OF BELENNMVALENCIA34.62139135-106.7078683TURN (1991)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FM0954LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 88NMQUAY35.19956414-103.1796464BARD (1982)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES88NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FM0969LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 87NMQUAY35.18627063-103.4100138SAN JON NW (1982)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES87NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FM0993LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 86NMQUAY35.1739881-103.6113727LESBIA (1968)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES86NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FM1009AIRWAY BN 87A SE OF TUCUMCARINMQUAY35.13432562-103.6989283TUCUMCARI (1967)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FM1020LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 84NMQUAY35.16632772-103.8550392LIBERTY MESA (1967)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES84NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FN0458LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 83NMQUAY35.15856618-104.079566MUNIZ CANYON (1964)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES83NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FN0484LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AY BN 81BNMGUADALUPE35.11182206-104.4183268CUERVO (1963)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES81BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FN0519DENVER ALBUQUERQUE AWY BN 37NMMORA35.99653608-104.9272433MAXSON CRATER (1966)ALBUQUERQUEDENVER37NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FN0557DENVER ALBUQUERQUE AWY BN 34NMSAN MIGUEL35.65143942-105.1480945LAS VEGAS NW (1963)ALBUQUERQUEDENVER34YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FN0588DENVER ALBUQUERQUE AWY BN 32NMSAN MIGUEL35.37637531-105.3273238TECOLOTE (1989)ALBUQUERQUEDENVER32NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FO0982LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 71NMBERNALILLO35.05292396-106.3520016SEDILLO (1995)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES71NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FO1422LOS ANGELES AMARILLO AWY BN 68NMBERNALILLO35.0561878-106.7944148LA MESITA NEGRA SE (1990)AMARILLOLOS ANGELES68NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowAll that remains is aged and deteriorating concrete and steel tower base legs embedded in and at the corners of the tower pad concrete. A few broken pieces of insulators and cans from the era observed at site. Center of tower base concrete is con-caving into desert sands. Generator shed pad is greatly distorted due to settling. City of Albuquerque survey marker approximately 50 yards SSW of site. See my photos taken on June 22, 2019 at: Reported 6/23/2019 by Steven Loeffler. Arrow intact, as of 1/24/2014. Reported by Steve Owen.
FO1617LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BN 64NMCIBOLA35.04871257-107.5461372CUBERO (1971)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES64NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 11/19/2013. Reported by David.
FO1626LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BN 63NMCIBOLA35.0401252-107.715146MC CARTYS (1971)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES63NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FO1641LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BN 62NMCIBOLA35.0424234-107.9837599SAN RAFAEL (1995)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES62NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FO1695AIRWAY BEACON 68NMVALENCIA35.03048733-106.9762499LA MESITA NEGRA (1990)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 11/25/2014. Reported by Zhanna.
FP0466LOS ANGELES ALBUQ BCN 61NMCIBOLA35.0381428-108.1165609PAXTON SPRINGS (1995)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES61NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowGenerator hut restored, as of 1/24/2014. Reported by Steve Owen.
FP0472LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 59 BNMCIBOLA35.02183749-108.4036079TOGEYE LAKE (1981)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES59BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FP0499LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BCN 59 ANMMCKINLEY35.04426088-108.5259999PESCADO (1972)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES59ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FP0501LOS ANGELES ALBUQ AWY BN 57 58NMMCKINLEY35.05788321-108.7943984ZUNI (1972)ALBUQUERQUELOS ANGELES57 58NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GM0727EL PASO PUEBLO AIRWAY BCN 39NMCOLFAX36.29238562-104.7522007MIAMI (1987)EL PASOPUEBLO39NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GM0738EL PASO PUEBLO AIRWAY BCN 42NMCOLFAX36.74710646-104.5090472KOEHLER (1971)EL PASOPUEBLO42YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GM0741EL PASO PUEBLO AIRWAY BCN 41NMCOLFAX36.55560251-104.6235461MAXWELL (1971)EL PASOPUEBLO41NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow near KR1596, Derby Dam, NVNVWASHOE39.578653-119.490153DERBY DAMYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 11/16/2013. Reported by Carol.
Arrow near Verdi-Mogul, NVNVWASHOE39.510018-119.922404VERDISAN FRANCISCOST LOUIS18YUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 5/13/2015. Reported by David Mansfield.
Arrow NW of Bunkerville, NVNVCLARK36.796826-114.246549FLAT TOP MESAYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow appears intact on Google Maps. Reported by Mike on 5/26/2018.
Arrow NW of Golconda, NVNVHUMBOLDT41.00736-117.59292GOLCONDA BUTTEYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowVisible on Google Earth as of 8/19/2015; this arrow has a bent shape. Reported by Carl Van Cleave.
Arrow south of Las Vegas, on hill between I-15 and Las Vegas BoulevardNVCLARK35.953293-115.179393SLOANYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 2/27/2015 (Roland). Arrow and shed pad intact as of 1/2/2017 (Marici). Reported by Roland R. Rosenberg, Jr. and Marici Reid.
Arrow SE of Golconda, NVNVHUMBOLDT40.92508-117.39806GOLCONDAYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowFrom Carl Van Cleave: Arrow intact. From Gerald Muller: Located at Golconda Summit. 6 miles southwest of Golconda, NV and 300-400 feet north of I80. Only arrow and concrete pads remaining, as of 10/13/2015. Reported by Carl Van Cleave and Gerald Muller.
Arrow SW of Jean, NVNV35.740218-115.352291LOS ANGELESLAS VEGASYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 5/29/2020. Reported by Herbert Arnold.
Beacon at Humboldt Intermediate Field, NVNVPERSHING40.085023-118.156119BUENA VISTA HILLS NORTHUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowHumboldt Intermediate Field on the airway is an emergency landing airport made of cleared sagebrush in large triangle. The coordinates are for concrete circles in the center of the field.
There's later junk & concrete from a defunct mining operation. No arrow; found flagpole base & foundations of office building still there, as of 4/18/2016. Reported by Jack Fawcett.
Beacon tower near Polkinghorne Springs, NVNVPERSHING40.228794-117.741353SOU HILLSUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowComplete except glass lens & carbide tanks, as of 6/2/2016. Good yellow paint. No vehicle access. Reported by Jack Fawcett.
Tower near Fernley, NV - "216 SF-SL"NVLYON39.608274-119.289933FERNLEY WESTSAN FRANCISCOSALT LAKE CITY216Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowTower intact; partial shed. Reported by Ken Nussear.
Tower southwest of Battle Mountain, NVNVLANDER40.435814-117.163028MCCOY NWUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowThere is no road to the site. It is out in the flat sagebrush. There is no light or arrow but the tower is intact, as of 4/18/2016. Reported by Jack Fawcett.
FS1224AIRWAY BCN WILSON SUMMIT 23 BNVCLARK35.93963694-115.4258139COTTONWOOD PASS (1989)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1824LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 31BNVCLARK36.71147625-114.4708234OVERTON NW (1983)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY31BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1830LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BCN 32NVLINCOLN36.856443-114.3000188MOAPA PEAK SE (1969)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY32NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1878AIRWAY BEACON USA 2NVCLARK36.22445713-114.9769025FRENCHMAN MTN (1983)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1879AIRWAY BEACON USA 4NVCLARK36.17687858-114.998449FRENCHMAN MTN (1983)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1880AIRWAY BEACON USA 3NVCLARK36.18805232-114.9980248FRENCHMAN MTN (1983)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1883LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BCN 28NVCLARK36.44765039-114.8330368DRY LAKE (1986)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1891LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BCN 27NVCLARK36.32810361-114.9417451APEX (1986)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY27NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1900LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 31ANVCLARK36.68519825-114.5200285MOAPA EAST (1983)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY31ANConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1903LOS ANGELES SALT LAKE AIRWAY BEACON 29NVCLARK36.54080803-114.7103259UTE (1983)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY29NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GR1964AIRWAY BEACON ARDEN 24NVCLARK36.03594691-115.3127199BLUE DIAMOND SE (1983)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HP0315LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 34NVLINCOLN37.08342118-114.1145673TERRY BENCHES (1980)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY34NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JQ0530TONOPAH BEACONNVNYE38.08517143-117.1759164TONOPAH (1982)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JR1014HAWTHORNE NAVAL BASE AWY BCNNVMINERAL38.56729763-118.5910527HAWTHORNE EAST (1987)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1538SAN FRAN SALT LAKE AWY BCN 253NVCHURCHILL39.85054572-118.6843449CARSON SINK SW (1986)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO253NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1547AIRWAY BN 23 12 MI NE OF HAZENNVCHURCHILL39.74727969-118.9362548SODA LAKE NW (1985)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1556SAN FRAN SALT LAKE AWY BCN 24NVCHURCHILL39.8132849-118.8568899PARRAN (1986)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO24NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1596AIRWAY BCN 20 2 MI N OF CLARKNVWASHOE39.58082668-119.4873674DERBY DAM (1985)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1725HUBBARD FIELD AIRWAY BEACONNVWASHOE39.49535073-119.7708004MOUNT ROSE NE (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1732RENO AIRWAY BEACON 18NV 39.49002331-119.964916    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1752AIRWAY BCN 19 5 MI E OF SPARKSNVWASHOE39.53063674-119.6561132VISTA (1982)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KR1753RENO AIRWAY BEACON 19NVWASHOE39.53091624-119.6556316VISTA (1982)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0601AIRWAY BCN 51 3 MI W WENDOVERNVELKO40.73995126-114.0997464WENDOVER (1972)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO51NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0606AIRWAY LIGHT NEAR STATION SALTNVELKO40.63567137-114.0648545WENDOVER (1972)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0620SAN FRAN SALT LK AWY BCN 50NVELKO40.92786821-114.294452SILVER ZONE PASS (1982)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO50NConcrete Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 2/4/2014. Reported by Decman and Lynn Shepherd.
LQ0626SAN FRAN SALT LK AWY BCN 49 BNVELKO40.85171855-114.4402347SHAFTER (1971)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO49 BNConcrete-X Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 2/4/2014. Reported by Decman.
LQ0629AIRWAY BCN 4 MI NE OF SHAFTERNVELKO40.88141065-114.3979583HARDY CREEK (1982)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0676SAN FRAN SALT LK AWY BCN 48NVELKO40.85793883-114.8049661VENTOSA (1980)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO48NConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0737AIRWAY BN 42 RENO TO SALT LAKENVELKO40.8867721-115.7189727OSINO (1982)RENOSALT LAKE CITY42NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0749AIRWAY BN 40 RENO TO SALT LAKENVELKO40.72977082-115.9839573GRINDSTONE MTN (1985)RENOSALT LAKE CITY40NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0841AIR BEACON REESE RIVER VALLEYNVLANDER40.34521271-117.3475408WILD RANGE CANYON (1990)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0843AIRWAY BCN 32 SW OF BATTLE MTNNVPERSHING40.31559994-117.5064023NEEDLE PEAK (1990)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0848AIRWAY BCN 30 35 MI E LOVELOCKNVPERSHING40.20595602-117.8045317MC KINNEY PASS (1990)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowJack saw the 15 years ago when he traveled the road frequently. Recently he found the tin from the shed blown into the trees. Tower is gone now (stolen?), as of 4/18/2016. Reported by Jack Fawcett.
LR0877AIRWAY BCN 32=WINNEMUCCA APTNVHUMBOLDT40.90467783-117.8012237WINNEMUCCA WEST (1982)   YN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon and shed intact at Winnemucca Municipal Airport, as of 1/15/2015. Reported by Chris.
LR0894AIRWAY BCN 39 SAN FRAN SALT LKNVEUREKA40.65287106-116.2742755EMIGRANT PASS (1986)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO39NConcrete-X Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0912AIRWAY BN 37B SAN FRAN SALT LKNVEUREKA40.70815222-116.5242788DUNPHY (1986)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO37BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0914AIRWAY BN 37A SAN FRAN SALT LKNVEUREKA40.59610358-116.5077944THE GEYSERS (1985)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO37ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0915AIRWAY BEACON 36 ESE BATTLE MTNVLANDER40.56300587-116.6957529MULE CANYON (1985)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0921AIRWAY BCN 36 SAN FRAN SALT LKNVLANDER40.66283326-116.7561287STONY POINT (1985)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO36NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0923AIRPORT BN LANDER AP BATTLE MTNVLANDER40.60884378-116.8739652BATEMAN SPRING (1986)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LR0932AIR BEACON BATTLE MTN AIRPORTNVLANDER40.6403611-116.9423474BATTLE MOUNTAIN (1985)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LS0572AIRWAY BCN 28 ESE LOVELOCKNVPERSHING40.07537891-118.1815223BUENA VISTA HILLS NORTH (1987)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 2/4/2014. Reported by Decman.
LS0603AIRWAY BCN 26 A DERBY APTNVPERSHING40.06979687-118.5709184GRANITE POINT (1987)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MT0752AIRWAY BEACON 48 PEQUOP SUMMITNVELKO41.08078478-114.5588844PEQUOP SUMMIT (1982)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MT0765AIRWAY BEACON 46 WELLS AIRPORTNVELKO41.11465511-114.9273903WELLS (1982)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MT0818BEACON 45=BELL TEL MICRO REL TWR KOB 81NVELKO41.10269161-115.0904306WELCOME (1967)   NY Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MT0819RENO SALT LAKE AIRWAY BCN 44NVELKO41.1208742-115.2431862HERDER CREEK (1967)RENOSALT LAKE CITY44NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DN1275AIRWAY BCN 7 ESE OF MARIETTAOKLOVE33.92697731-97.10680123MARIETTA EAST (1979)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EL0900AIRWAY BCN 11 N SPRINGER 1955OKMURRAY34.41700899-97.14981277TURNER FALLS (1978)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, structures next to it look more recent. Looks like the arrow is not directly accessible (fence and gate), however it should be easily visible from outside the fence. Reported by Jens Baumeister, 5/31/2018.
EM0654FORT SILL AIRWAY BEACON 1170OKCOMANCHE34.65856528-98.41757894FORT SILL (1991)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EM1009PONDER FIELD AIRWAY BEACONOKJACKSON34.90144676-99.50498333MANGUM NORTH (1971)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FJ1256AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 29BOKLINCOLN35.89391775-96.55849299DRUMRIGHT (1975)AMARILLOST LOUIS29BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FJ1264AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 29AOKLINCOLN35.78817886-96.66256346STROUD NORTH (1975)AMARILLOST LOUIS29ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FJ1289AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 27OKLINCOLN35.70269212-96.98136945CHANDLER (1974)AMARILLOST LOUIS27NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FJ1303AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 28OKLINCOLN35.78200433-96.80776484KENDRICK (1975)AMARILLOST LOUIS28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FK0604AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 9OKBECKHAM35.22985585-99.98288011TEXOLA (1989)AMARILLOST LOUIS9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GG0710AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 41OKOTTAWA36.69203684-94.70735808CAYUGA (1981)AMARILLOST LOUIS41NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GG0791AIRWAY BCN NE OF STA PILANTOKMAYES36.40997931-95.34901753ADAIR (1980)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GG0834TULSA MUN APT AIRWAYS BEACONOKTULSA36.19207056-95.90105017TULSA (1982)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GH0664PONCA CITY AIRPORT AIR BEACONOKKAY36.72906378-97.10156551PONCA CITY (1979)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GH0667PONCA CITY APT HOMING BCN MASTOKKAY36.72876249-97.10257482PONCA CITY (1979)   Y  Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GH0731FORT WORTH KANS CITY AWY BN 22OKLOGAN36.01364117-97.38975709MULHALL (1974)FORT WORTHKANS CITY22NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GH0750FORT WORTH KANS CITY AWY BN 25OKNOBLE36.31284273-97.28269526PERRY (1976)FORT WORTHKANS CITY25NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GH0883BARTLESVILLE PHI PETROL AWY BNOKOSAGE36.75526386-96.00179551BOWRING SE (1971)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GH0946AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 32OKTULSA36.08860143-96.15542139LAKE SAHOMA (1983)AMARILLOST LOUIS32NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GJ0518AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 22OKALFALFA36.98587193-98.32824015AMORITA (1969)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY22NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GJ0525AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 21OKALFALFA36.88423689-98.46774947BURLINGTON (1969)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GJ0600AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 20OKWOODS36.78286142-98.62389627ALVA SE (1969)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY20NY Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GJ0623AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 18OKWOODS36.63883167-98.84821166AVARD (1969)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY18NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
GJ0647AMARILLO KANSAS CITY BCN 16OKWOODWARD36.50642384-99.13594783FAIRVALLEY SW (1970)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow E of Glendale, ORORDOUGLAS42.730123-123.384334GLENDALEYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowLocals know about it and call it the cement arrow. Looks to have been removed when they built a cell/radio tower next to its location. (NGS station WOLF [NZ1212] has RMs set in arrow - Zhanna) Arrow intact. Reported by Blossom Merz.
Beacon on Mahogany Mountain near La Grande, ORORUNION45.3679-118.1763HILGARDUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowBeacon intact, as of 5/17/2014. Reported by David Pinyerd.
NZ1075SEATTLE SAN FRAN AWY BCN 30ORJACKSON42.05186281-122.6000953SISKIYOU PASS (1983)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE30NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NZ1086SEATTLE SAN FRAN AWY BCN 32ORJACKSON42.23833806-122.7426232ASHLAND (1996)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE32NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NZ1209SEXTON MOUNTAIN BEACON 36ORJOSEPHINE42.60013915-123.3654915SEXTON MOUNTAIN (1996)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PC0917SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 45ORLANE43.90756312-123.0271914CRESWELL (1984)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO45NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PC0961SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 44AORDOUGLAS43.73676627-123.1587683CURTIN (1987)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO44ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PC0965SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 43ORDOUGLAS43.63861723-123.3268669DRAIN (1987)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO43NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PC0966SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE BCN 42 BORDOUGLAS43.5027449-123.2937255YONCALLA (1987)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE42BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PC1013SEATTLE SAN FRANCISCO BCN 40 AORDOUGLAS43.11000724-123.3742704MYRTLE CREEK (1987)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE40 ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PC1020SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE BCN 42 AORDOUGLAS43.40253648-123.323056SUTHERLIN (1988)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE42 ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PC1024SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE BCN 41 BORDOUGLAS43.31701366-123.3389492WINCHESTER (1987)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE41 BNConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QB1240SALT LAKE PORTLAND AWY BCN 37OR 44.42539702-117.2743775 PORTLANDSALT LAKE CITY37NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QB1257COYOTE POINT AIRWAY BEACONORBAKER44.92424409-117.910073HAINES (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QB1314SALT LAKE CITY PORTLAND BN 35ORMALHEUR44.22166701-116.9865135WEISER SOUTH (1951)PORTLANDSALT LAKE CITY35NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QE1786SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 51ORLINN44.67920639-122.9192443CRABTREE (1975)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO51NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QE1800SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 52ORMARION44.87321992-122.8752499STAYTON (1986)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO52NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QE2021ALBANY AIRPORT BEACON 212ORLINN44.64455299-123.0627577ALBANY (1975)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QE2126WARD BUTTE AIRWAY BEACONORLINN44.46881606-123.0230599HALSEY (1969)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QE2132SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 48ORLINN44.31843448-123.0513157INDIAN HEAD (1969)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO48NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QE2149SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 47ORLANE44.18926196-123.1042589COBURG (1967)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO47NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
QE2182SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 46ORLANE44.05359719-123.0309707EUGENE EAST (1986)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO46NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RB1336AIRWAY BCN 5 MI SSE OF MEACHAMOR 45.44847671-118.3869905    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RB1351AIRWAY BN 21 WSW MILTON FREEWORUMATILLA45.89892638-118.5783474WATERMAN (1966)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RB1360AIRWAY BCN 48 SE OF PENDLETONORUMATILLA45.58940724-118.579669CABBAGE HILL (1978)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RB1377SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 50OR 45.97851078-118.815773 PENDLETONSPOKANE50NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RB1402AIRWAY BN 18 14 MI W PENDLETONORUMATILLA45.68991004-119.0686363NOLIN (1968)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RB1469PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 14OR 45.57626366-119.7930105 PORTLANDSPOKANE14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2079PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 74 MIORWASCO45.66191046-121.2249272THE DALLES NORTH (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE74 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2111PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 6 BORWASCO45.6871269-121.352979LYLE (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE6 BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2180PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 63 MIORHOOD RIVER45.70043587-121.4750226WHITE SALMON (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE63 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2277PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 59 MIORHOOD RIVER45.71057893-121.5596706HOOD RIVER (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE59 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2291PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 55 MIORHOOD RIVER45.70367051-121.6174494HOOD RIVER (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE55 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2322PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 49 MIORHOOD RIVER45.69030062-121.7192757MT DEFIANCE (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE49 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2330PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 48 MIORHOOD RIVER45.69174629-121.7372002MT DEFIANCE (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE48 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2345PORTLAND THE DALLES AWY BCN 4ORHOOD RIVER45.69667622-121.8163145CARSON (1994)PORTLANDTHE DALLES4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2351PORTLAND SPOKANE AY BN NR PARKORHOOD RIVER45.69583046-121.8319428CARSON (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2378PORTLAND SPOKANE AUX BCN 3 AORMULTNOMAH45.61285895-121.9976004TANNER BUTTE (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE3:00 AMNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2498PENDLETON PORTLAND AWY BN 12 AORGILLIAM45.59417276-120.185985SHUTLER FLAT (1964)PENDLETONPORTLAND12:00 AMNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2505PORTLAND PENDLETON AWY BCN 13ORGILLIAM45.71970953-120.1822138ARLINGTON (1971)PENDLETONPORTLAND13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2524PORTLAND PENDLETON AWY BCN 11OR 45.68159564-120.3786949 PENDLETONPORTLAND11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2614AIRWAY BEACON 10ORSHERMAN45.59697027-120.5824158KLONDIKE (1971)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2620PORTLAND PENDLETON AWY BCNORSHERMAN45.69317084-120.6857481RUFUS (1971)PENDLETONPORTLAND NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2630PORTLAND PENDLETON AWY BCN 9ORSHERMAN45.62023413-120.8766089EMERSON (1994)PENDLETONPORTLAND9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2219PORTLAND SPOKANE AUX AWY BCN 2ORMULTNOMAH45.55168925-122.1902021BRIDAL VEIL (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2222PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 2ORMULTNOMAH45.55738333-122.199113BRIDAL VEIL (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2518PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO BCN 56OR 45.34264899-122.6945269 PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO56NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2553PORTLAND COUNCIL CREST AWY BCNORMULTNOMAH45.49893587-122.7082146LAKE OSWEGO (1984)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2655SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND BCN 54ORMARION45.10007508-122.7997222SILVERTON (1985)PORTLANDSAN FRANCISCO54NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2866ROCKY BUTTE AWY BCN FLASH REDORMULTNOMAH45.54658178-122.5659273MOUNT TABOR (1990)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OQ0723OMAHA BISMARCK AIRWAY BCN 15SDLINCOLN43.42492965-96.68795214HARRISBURG (1962)BISMARCKOMAHA15NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OQ0727OMAHA BISMARCK AIRWAY BCN 12SDUNION43.01182585-96.56064328ALCESTER SE (1968)BISMARCKOMAHA12NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OQ0732OMAHA BISMARCK AIRWAY BCN 13SDLINCOLN43.21199868-96.62879156ALCESTER NW (1978)BISMARCKOMAHA13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
OT0813HARNEY PEAK AIRWAY BEACONSDPENNINGTON43.86581389-103.5324088CUSTER (1954)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow near Odessa, TXTXECTOR31.914243-102.364034ODESSA NORTHEASTYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 8/29/2018. Reported by John Nixon.
AB1682SITE 6 AIRWAY BEACONTXKENEDY26.68599068-97.76972398RUDOLPH (1982)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AB1693BROWNSVILLE FT WORTH AWY BCN 7TXKENEDY26.78976119-97.77461684NORIAS (1982)BROWNSVILLEFT WORTH7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AF9920EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 3TXHUDSPETH31.81790551-105.7822292BUCKHORN DRAW WEST (1979)EL PASOFORT WORTH3NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
AF9921EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 4TXHUDSPETH31.8064499-105.6278827BUCKHORN DRAW EAST (1979)EL PASOFORT WORTH4NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Site is no more than 100 feet south of Hwy 62. Reported by John.
AH1530BROWNSVILLE FT WORTH AWY BCN 9TXKENEDY27.24804677-97.80516447SARITA (1979)BROWNSVILLEFT WORTH9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AH1534BROWNSVILLE FT WORTH AWY BCN 8TXKENEDY27.01222179-97.80397386TURCOTTE (1979)BROWNSVILLEFT WORTH8NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AH1552BROWNSVILLE FT WORTH AWY BN 16TXSAN PATRICIO27.97063059-97.56325751ODEM (1975)BROWNSVILLEFT WORTH16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AH1599BROWNSVILLE FT WORTH AWY BN 13TXNUECES27.79398828-97.82352392BANQUETE (1979)BROWNSVILLEFT WORTH13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AN2170BROWNSVILLE FT WORTH AWY BN 19TXBEE28.36429029-97.80829469CLAREVILLE (1979)BROWNSVILLEFT WORTH19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AO0554CORPUS CHRISTI SAN ANG BCN 23TXKARNES28.86063381-98.14757121FASHING (1961)CORPUS CHRISTISAN ANG23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AW6062HOUSTON NEW ORLEANS AWY BCN 3TXLIBERTY29.88949556-94.6955767SHILOH (1993)HOUSTONNEW ORLEANS3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AW6412ELLINGTON FIELD AIRWAY BEACONTXHARRIS29.60372895-95.17854306FRIENDSWOOD (1995)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AW6495SOUTH HOUSTON AIRWAY BEACONTXHARRIS29.649614-95.28645053PARK PLACE (1995)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AW6497HOUSTON LONGREACH DOCKS S TANKTXHARRIS29.73661909-95.28094118PARK PLACE (1995)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AW6851CORPUS CHRISTI HOUST AWY BN 14TXBRAZORIA29.27722432-95.7102293DAMON (1980)CORPUS CHRISTIHOUST14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AX2604SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON AWY BCN 7TXDE WITT29.32052951-97.21721016YOAKUM (1987)SAN ANTONIOHOUSTON7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AX2619SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON AWY BCN 4TXWILSON29.24358676-97.77329574GILLETT (1987)SAN ANTONIOHOUSTON4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AX2677SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON AWY BCN 13TXWHARTON29.40630379-96.23611822EGYPT (1980)SAN ANTONIOHOUSTON13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AX2708SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON AWY BCN 11TXCOLORADO29.37747411-96.49970898GARWOOD (1981)SAN ANTONIOHOUSTON11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AX2754SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON AWY BCN 8TXLAVACA29.33092465-96.98380924EZZELL (1981)SAN ANTONIOHOUSTON8NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
AY1910KELLY FLD WTR TANK AND AWY BCNTXBEXAR29.3871859-98.58924369SAN ANTONIO WEST (1993)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BL2249DALLAS HOUSTON AIRWAY BEACON 7TXHARRIS30.08724365-95.75046155HOCKLEY (1980)DALLASHOUSTON7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BL2259GALVESTON WACO AIRWAY BEACON 9TXGRIMES30.25564083-95.91291238STONEHAM (1961)GALVESTONWACO9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BM0859AUSTIN WACO AIRWAY BEACON 39TXBELL30.92360198-97.47264497HOLLAND (1964)AUSTINWACO39NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BM0902AUSTIN BROWNSV FT WORTH AWY 34TXTRAVIS30.44896222-97.64025812PFLUGERVILLE WEST (1987)AUSTINFORT WORTH34NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BM0948GALVESTON WACO AIRWAY BCN 11TXBRAZOS30.56805533-96.21138584FERGUSON CROSSING (1980)GALVESTONWACO11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BM0956HOUSTON WACO AIRWAY BEACON 13TXBRAZOS30.73545456-96.38625287BRYAN WEST (1980)HOUSTONWACO13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BM0967GALVESTON WACO AIRWAY BCN 10TXGRIMES30.40289431-96.04845667NAVASOTA (1989)GALVESTONWACO10NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BM0977WACO GALVESTON AIRWAY BCN 10TXGRIMES30.37506705-96.11027665COURTNEY (1989)GALVESTONWACO10NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BM1047HOUSTON WACO AIRWAY BEACON 15TXROBERTSON30.88647999-96.52857432HEARNE NORTH (1989)HOUSTONWACO15NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
BZ1400HOUSTON WACO AIRWAY BEACON 17TXFALLS31.18307971-96.81280367REAGAN (1978)HOUSTONWACO17NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CB0834AIRWAY BEACON 20TXCOKE31.70726914-100.4389203PECAN MOTT (1984)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CC0769AIRWAY BEACON ATXECTOR31.86220975-102.6099979DOURO (1981)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CC0778FORT WORTH EL PASO AWY BCN 19TXWINKLER31.81819534-102.8698519AMBURGEY RANCH (1971)EL PASOFORT WORTH19NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
CC0793FORT WORTH EL PASO AWY BCN 17TXLOVING31.77766641-103.3588552CHEYENNE DRAW SE (1981)EL PASOFORT WORTH17NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CD0910EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 14TXREEVES31.81421278-104.0293242SCREW BEAN DRAW EAST (1973)EL PASOFORT WORTH14NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
CD0923EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 12TXCULBERSON31.83364681-104.2915199CASTILE HILL (1973)EL PASOFORT WORTH12NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon and arrow intact, as of 11/18/2013. Reported by Ken Drews.
CD0971EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 11TXCULBERSON31.85327799-104.5490172COW MOUNTAIN (1973)EL PASOFORT WORTH11NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Tower is gone but the generator building still looks to be intact. This also looks to be an old air strip; there is a fence around a larger area with destroyed landing strips. Reported by John.
CD0995EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 9TXCULBERSON31.83282584-104.8091443GUADALUPE PASS (1973)EL PASOFORT WORTH9NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowThe beacon site is approximately .75 NNW of the location given on this site (heading of 328°) on the West side of the road that accesses the transmitter sites at the currently listed location. Found on 1932 aeronautical chart in University of Texas online map collection. Cross referenced to this site for coordinates. Checked coordinates against 1955 USGS Topo Quad map on USGS website. Confirmed location of remains with Google Earth. Reported by Dave Tenney, 2/17/2017.
CD0997EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 8 BTXCULBERSON31.77299679-104.9197725PATTERSON HILLS (1973)EL PASOFORT WORTH8BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CD1004EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 8 ATXHUDSPETH31.74596454-105.0816368SALT FLAT (1984)EL PASOFORT WORTH8ANN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
CD1012EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 6TXHUDSPETH31.78014087-105.3511962MICKEY DRAW WEST (1984)EL PASOFORT WORTH6NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact; foundation of building remains, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
CD1081EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 4TXHUDSPETH31.8064499-105.6278827BUCKHORN DRAW EAST (1979)EL PASOFORT WORTH4NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CD1087EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 3TXHUDSPETH31.81790551-105.7822292BUCKHORN DRAW WEST (1979)EL PASOFORT WORTH3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CD1088EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 2TXHUDSPETH31.82366422-105.9910708PHONE LINE CANYON (1979)EL PASOFORT WORTH2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CE0468EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 1TXEL PASO31.82128957-106.1580294NATIONS SOUTH WELL (1995)EL PASOFORT WORTH1NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CR1329DALLAS ATLANTA AIRWAY BEACON 9TXVAN ZANDT32.71978742-95.7942612FRUITVALE (1962)ATLANTADALLAS9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CS3000FORT WORTH MEACHAM FLD AWY BCNTXTARRANT32.82007822-97.356066HALTOM CITY (1981)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CS3073WACO FORT WORTH ARIWAY BCN 48TXJOHNSON32.24788576-97.28338452COVINGTON (1978)FORT WORTHWACO48NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CS3076WACO FORT WORTH AIRWAY BCN 47TXHILL32.04012363-97.26018638BLANTON (1976)FORT WORTHWACO47NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CS3147EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 52TXPARKER32.75452549-97.59971864SPRINGTOWN SE (1955)EL PASOFORT WORTH52NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CT0989EL PASO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 48TXPALO PINTO32.72672676-98.27391503LONE CAMP (1984)EL PASOFORT WORTH48NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
CU0947AIR BEACON 36TXNOLAN32.4570724-100.2906566LAKE SWEETWATER (1987)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
CU0955SWEETWATER MUNICIPAL APT BCNTXNOLAN32.45835304-100.4647039SWEETWATER (1987)   Y  Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
CU1130AIRWAYS BEACON 26TXMIDLAND32.0775145-101.9480896GERMANIA (1974)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 1/5/2015. Reported by John.
DM1244DALLAS LOUISVILLE AWY BCN 15TXBOWIE33.40111461-94.2538452HOOKS (1975)DALLASLOUISVILLE15NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DM1252DALLAS LOUISVILLE AWY BCN 14TXBOWIE33.36273567-94.5031357BASSETT (1975)DALLASLOUISVILLE14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DM1254DALLAS LOUISVILLE AWY BCN 12TXMORRIS33.29750496-94.73508041DALBY SPRINGS (1975)DALLASLOUISVILLE12NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/20/2013. Reported by Cary.
DM1402DALLAS LOUISVILLE AIRWAY BCN 7TXHOPKINS33.09830724-95.67675846BRASHEAR (1962)DALLASLOUISVILLE7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
DN1342FORT WORTH WICHITA AWY BCN 3TXDENTON33.36348311-97.278223ERA SE (1978)FORT WORTHWICHITA3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EN0756AMARILLO FORT WORTH AWY BCN 6TXDONLEY34.84903853-100.6835345HEDLEY (1982)AMARILLOFORT WORTH6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
EO0605AIRWAYS BLINKERTX 34.84969496-102.405329    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FL1706AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BCN 3TXCARSON35.4721772-101.2389787WHITE DEER (1965)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FL1720AMARILLO TULSA AWY BCN 2TXCARSON35.22244617-101.2402682LARK (1983)AMARILLOTULSA2NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FL1809AIRWAYS BEACON 28TXRANDALL35.12477828-101.9558368BUFFALO STADIUM (1973)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FL1945AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 8BTXWHEELER35.2262148-100.187633SHAMROCK EAST (1978)AMARILLOST LOUIS8BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FL1993AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 5TXGRAY35.22523488-100.7351063ALANREED (1976)AMARILLOST LOUIS5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FL2000AMARILLO ST LOUIS AWY BCN 3TXGRAY35.22437617-100.9877122JERICHO (1964)AMARILLOST LOUIS3NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FL2027AMARILLO KANSAS CITY AWY BCN 6TXROBERTS35.72331568-100.674272MIAMI (1972)AMARILLOKANSAS CITY6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FM0903AIRWAY BEACON 92TXOLDHAM35.21896772-102.4347194VEGA SOUTH (1966)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
FM0918AIRWAY BEACON 91TXOLDHAM35.21544366-102.6506707SIMMS NW (1966)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow northeast of St. George, UTUTWASHINGTON37.1806131-113.4004053HARRISBURG JUNCTIONYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 3/23/2015. Reported by Alan Rice.
Arrow southwest of St. George, UTUTWASHINGTON37.0648086-113.5952549SAINT GEORGEYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact. Reported by Alan Rice (03/23/2015) and Brian Lee (04/17/2017).
HO0600BEACONUTIRON37.67812077-113.0971272CEDAR CITY (1978)LAS VEGASSALT LAKE CITY NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HO0616LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 41UTIRON37.87795384-113.4398326AVON NW (1978)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY41NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HO0621LOS ANGELES DENVER AWY BN 37UTWASHINGTON37.07754576-113.4725374WASHINGTON DOME (1986)DENVERLOS ANGELES37NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HO0622LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 37BUTWASHINGTON37.11745018-113.4876398WASHINGTON DOME (1986)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY37BNN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 2/4/2014. Reported by Decman.
HO0625LOS ANGELES DENVER AWY BN 36UTWASHINGTON37.04504119-113.5185592ST GEORGE (1986)DENVERLOS ANGELES36NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HO0627LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 37AUTWASHINGTON37.0918281-113.5920768ST GEORGE (1986)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY37ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HO0635LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 36UTWASHINGTON37.34242948-113.9152932MOTOQUA (1972)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY36NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HO0640LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 39UTIRON37.68831659-113.660994BERYL JUNCTION (1972)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY39NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
HO0641LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 37UTWASHINGTON37.50768586-113.7967398HEBRON (1972)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY37NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JO0535LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 49UTMILLARD38.95264429-112.7775878BORDEN (1973)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY49NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JO0557LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 44UTBEAVER38.26283834-113.1405359PICACHO PEAK (1989)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY44NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
JO0567LOS ANGELES SALT LK AWY BN 42UTIRON38.09679738-113.2510804LATIMER (1971)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY42NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
KO0429AIRWAY BEACON 50UTMILLARD39.10238762-112.700986CLEAR LAKE (1971)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/12/2013. Reported by Dean Draper.
KO0431LOS ANGELES SALT LAKE AY BN 50UTMILLARD39.17037232-112.643209SUNSTONE KNOLL (1971)LOS ANGELESSALT LAKE CITY50NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowA foundation is visible in the most recent Google Earth images. It could be the foundation for the generator shack. Reported 7/15/2018 by Brian Lee..
LO0708AIR BCN S END PORCUPINE RIDGEUTSUMMIT40.98041397-111.1214068RED HOLE (1972)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LO0710AIR BEACON 4 3 MI SE OF UPTONUT 40.93181799-111.1952053    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LO0728AIR BN 3 1/2 MI NE STA KIMBALLUTSUMMIT40.77427838-111.4912829WANSHIP (1967)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LO0817AIR BCN 1A 14 MI E SALT LAKEUTSUMMIT40.75816589-111.6212229BIG DUTCH HOLLOW (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LO0818PORCUPINE PK AIR BCN PROP TYPEUTMORGAN40.86686718-111.5250099BIG DUTCH HOLLOW (1975)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowShed is visible on Google Earth as of 7/16/18. Reported by Brian Lee.
LO0823AIR BCN 1 B NEAR STA KIMBALLUTSUMMIT40.74103082-111.5383744PARK CITY WEST (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LO0975AIR BEACON O BUTSALT LAKE40.77060109-111.7983395FORT DOUGLAS (1975)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LO1031LONE BEACONUTDAVIS40.8859304-111.949273FARMINGTON (1975)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow visible on Google Earth as of 7/16/18. Reported by Brian Lee.
LP0424BEACON 61A NEAR STA LAKE POINTUTTOOELE40.70455414-112.2536268MILLS JUNCTION (1972)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDouble tailed arrow visible in Google Earth as of 7/16/18. Reported by Brian Lee.
LP0428BEACON 61B WEST OF TOOELEUTTOOELE40.5287617-112.3263504TOOELE (1955)   NConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LP0434GRANTSVILLE AIRPORT BEACON 60UTTOOELE40.65817538-112.4585059BURMESTER (1972)  60YConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LP0436AIRWAY BN 60 SW OF RIVERTONUTSALT LAKE40.46708423-112.0392468TICKVILLE SPRING (1993)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LP0447BEACON 59 AT STOCKTON 61AUTTOOELE40.45839433-112.3637559STOCKTON (1993)   NConcrete Updated NGS beacon/arrowAngled arrow visible in 2017 Google Earth image. Reported 7/16/18 by Brian Lee. Some breakage due to settling but arrow is intact - on top of Stockton Bar; no tower. Reported 8/16/18 by Art Johnston.
LP0470MICHAEL AFB AIRWAY BEACONUTTOOELE40.1840099-112.9297127CAMELS BACK RIDGE NW (1993)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowTower intact and visible on 2013 Google Earth images. Reported 7/16/18 by Brian Lee.
LP0482SAN FRANCIS SALT LK AWY BN 59UTTOOELE40.75002521-112.6482391POVERTY POINT (1968)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO59NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow visible in 2017 Google Earth image. Reported 7/16/18 by Brian Lee. Arrow is located nearby Timpie Springs Waterfowl area; arrow intact, tower gone as of July 2018. Reported 8/16/18 by Art Johnston.
LP0496SAN FRANCIS SALT LK AWY BN 57UTTOOELE40.82650828-112.9057424LOW (1973)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO57NConcrete-X Updated NGS beacon/arrowOut geocaching in the west desert - there is a geocache located nearby this beacon. Complete concrete arrow is intact, tower is gone, as of 11/2/2015. Reported by Art Johnston.
LP0511SAN FRANCIS SALT LK AWY BN 56UTTOOELE40.72699671-113.1740491ARAGONITE NW (1973)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO56NConcrete Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LP0515SAN FRANCIS SALT LK AWY BN 55UTTOOELE40.72721929-113.4691205BARRO (1973)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO55NConcrete-X Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LP0579SAN FRANCIS SALT LK AWY BN 53UTTOOELE40.73362242-113.7549492SALDURO (1973)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO53NConcrete-X Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0586WENDOVER USAF BCN AT WENDOVERUTTOOELE40.75279969-114.0198232LEPPY PEAK (1982)      Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
LQ0597SAN FRAN SALT LK AWY BCN 52UTTOOELE40.72937139-114.032394WENDOVER (1972)SALT LAKE CITYSAN FRANCISCO52NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MS0704AIR BCN 3 5 MI SW OF WILLARDUTWEBER41.33615832-112.0614506PLAIN CITY (1992)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MS0711AIR BCN 2 2 MI S CLEARFIELDUTDAVIS41.10278465-112.025939CLEARFIELD (1991)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MS0715ANTELOPE ISLAND AIR BEACONUTDAVIS41.01468821-112.208156ANTELOPE ISLAND NORTH (1991)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow near Tyler, WAWASPOKANE47.4153-117.7384916LANCE HILLSYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowOn private land. Arrow largely intact, no tower or shed, as of 3/31/2016. Reported by Pete Hill.
RC2056PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 7 AWA 45.6150151-121.1815669 PORTLANDSPOKANE7:00 AMNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2090PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 7 BWA 45.65291792-121.1690228 PORTLANDSPOKANE7 BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2096PORTLAND SPOK BN 73 MI BLINKERWA 45.67417392-121.2202383 PORTLANDSPOKANE73 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2171PORTLAND SPOK BN 62 MI BLINKERWA 45.72556461-121.4880663 PORTLANDSPOKANE62 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2331PORTLAND SPOK BN 49 MI BLINKERWA 45.69779278-121.7065057 PORTLANDSPOKANE49 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2339PORTLAND SPOK BN 48 MI BLINKERWA 45.70405211-121.7603014 PORTLANDSPOKANE48 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2361PORTLAND SPOK BN 44 MI BLINKERWA 45.71023123-121.8385952 PORTLANDSPOKANE44 MINN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2386PORTLAND SPOK BN W STEVENSONWA 45.6847656-121.9067947 PORTLANDSPOKANE NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2430PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 3 BWA 45.66275071-121.9276905 PORTLANDSPOKANE3 BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RC2444PORTLAND SPOKANE AUX BCN 3 BWA 45.65290145-121.9632941 PORTLANDSPOKANE3 BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2116PORTLAND SPOKANE E AUX BCN 3 AWASKAMANIA45.63130306-122.0085446BEACON ROCK (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE3:00 AMNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2119PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 3 AWASKAMANIA45.62789418-122.021088BEACON ROCK (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE3:00 AMNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2174PORTLAND SPOKANE W AUX BCN 3 AWASKAMANIA45.62293938-122.0219949MULTNOMAH FALLS (1994)PORTLANDSPOKANE3:00 AMNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RD2207CAPE HORN AUX AWY BCN 2WASKAMANIA45.56704308-122.2001468BRIDAL VEIL (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RZ1721SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 27WACOLUMBIA46.54687568-117.9847702DELANEY (1981)PENDLETONSPOKANE27NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RZ1725SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 28WAWHITMAN46.71369115-117.9351396HAY (1981)PENDLETONSPOKANE28NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RZ1728PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 29WAWHITMAN46.93873493-117.8029494WINONA (1981)PORTLANDSPOKANE29NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
RZ1734SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 28 BWAWHITMAN46.79430816-117.9238076LA CROSSE WEST (1981)PENDLETONSPOKANE28 BNN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SA1902AIRWAY BCN 25 NW OF DAYTONWACOLUMBIA46.39001093-118.1057624KELLOGG CREEK (1967)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SA2106SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 24WAADAMS46.87123895-118.646672LIND SW (1970)PENDLETONSPOKANE24NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SA2138SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 21WAFRANKLIN46.50262088-118.9229753MESA EAST (1970)PENDLETONSPOKANE21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SA2141SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 23WAADAMS46.75483759-118.7929269HATTON (1970)PENDLETONSPOKANE23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SA2262SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 18WABENTON46.09733863-119.1924826JOHNSON BUTTE (1978)PENDLETONSPOKANE18NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SB1114WENAS AIRWAY BEACON Y 1WAKITTITAS46.84020665-120.5281213THE COTTONWOODS (1984)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SC1338KALAMA AIRWAY BEACONWACOWLITZ46.02051098-122.859408KALAMA (1990)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SC1393KELSO AWY BCN FLASHING GREEN WWA 46.12300091-122.9042201    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SC1400SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE AWY 61 AWACOWLITZ46.12296378-122.9064476RAINIER (1990)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE61 AYN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SC1493RICHFIELD AIRWAY BEACONWA 46.10635518-122.8786818    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SC1527SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE AWY 61 BWACOWLITZ46.17565007-122.9067165KELSO (1990)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE61 BYN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SC1528KELSO AWY BCN FLASHING RED WWA 46.17564641-122.9066962    NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SC1544SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE AWY 63 AWALEWIS46.40874133-122.9448647WINLOCK (1993)SAN FRANCISCOSEATTLE63 ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1201AIRWAY BEACON NW OF FELTS APTWASPOKANE47.69425798-117.3348973SPOKANE NE (1986)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1218PORTLAND SPOKANE AIRWAY BCN 34WASPOKANE47.52202025-117.4019731SPOKANE SW (1986)PORTLANDSPOKANE34NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1275PORTLAND SPOKANE AIRWAY BCN 33WASPOKANE47.34129249-117.4991513PLAZA (1980)PORTLANDSPOKANE33NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1277CHENEY AIRWAY BEACON CODE WWASPOKANE47.49603189-117.5823796CHENEY (1980)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1291PORTLAND SPOKANE AWY BCN 31WAWHITMAN47.15052231-117.6328688ROCK LAKE (1964)PORTLANDSPOKANE31NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1302SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 30WASPOKANE47.42021371-117.7691222TYLER (1980)PENDLETONSPOKANE30NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1337SEATTLE HELENA AIRWAY BCN 22WASPOKANE47.5776436-117.7315569MEDICAL LAKE (1973)HELENASEATTLE22NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SV1376SEATTLE HELENA AIRWAY BCN 21WALINCOLN47.56936693-117.889085EDWALL (1973)HELENASEATTLE21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SW1150SEATTLE HELENA AWY BEACON 19WA 47.50045415-118.2632391 HELENASEATTLE19NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SW1227SPOKANE PENDLETON AWY BCN 27WAADAMS47.12587966-118.2579828RITZVILLE NE (1967)PENDLETONSPOKANE27NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SW1276SEATTLE HELENA AIRWAY BCN 18WALINCOLN47.42688902-118.6226042COFFEEPOT LAKE (1968)HELENASEATTLE18NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SW1322SEATTLE HELENA AIRWAY BCN 16WAGRANT47.36495094-118.979077MARLIN SW (1979)HELENASEATTLE16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SW1525SEATTLE SPOKANE AIRWAY BEACON 14WAGRANT47.29003057-119.2763664GLOYD (1956)SEATTLESPOKANE14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SW1537SEATTLE SPOKANE AIRWAY BCN 13WAGRANT47.21923693-119.6046704WINCHESTER NE (1966)SEATTLESPOKANE13NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SW1573SEATTLE SPOKANE AIRWAY BCN 11WAGRANT47.16015778-119.9179263BABCOCK RIDGE (1966)SEATTLESPOKANE11NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1120AIRWAY BEACON W 1WADOUGLAS47.36326352-120.0773048ROCK ISLAND DAM (1966)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1122PANGBORN FIELD AIRWAY BEACONWADOUGLAS47.40324271-120.2068498ROCK ISLAND (1975)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1125SEATTLE SPOKANE AIRWAY BCN 10WAKITTITAS47.10396867-120.2366611WHISKEY DICK MTN (1975)SEATTLESPOKANE10NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1138WENATCHEE AIRPORT AIRWAY BCNWADOUGLAS47.44853274-120.2723248WENATCHEE (1987)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1171SEATTLE SPOKANE AIRWAY BCN 7WAKITTITAS47.15101601-120.7905453TEANAWAY (1985)SEATTLESPOKANE7NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1238AIRWAY BCN 6 NW OF CLE ELUMWAKITTITAS47.19365124-121.0293518RONALD (1989)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1239SEATTLE SPOKANE AIRWAY BCN 6WAKITTITAS47.20505395-121.0557551RONALD (1989)SEATTLESPOKANE6NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1245AMABILIS AIR BEACONWAKITTITAS47.28858834-121.2588943STAMPEDE PASS (1989)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SX1318RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN AIR BEACONWAKING47.45131005-121.8036651NORTH BEND (1993)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SY4865PAINE AFB AIRWAY BEACONWASNOHOMISH47.90727103-122.2763258MUKILTEO (1978)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
SY4870PAINE FIELD AIRWAY BEACONWASNOHOMISH47.90570566-122.2835191MUKILTEO (1978)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
TR1123SEATTLE VANCOUVER AIRWAY BCN 5WASNOHOMISH48.26202713-122.3516358CONWAY (1981)SEATTLEVANCOUVER5NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
TR1164AIRWAY BCN 4 MI W BURLINGTONWASKAGIT48.47217009-122.4314654LA CONNER (1973)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
TR1823AIRWAY BEACON 9WAWHATCOM48.79365066-122.5314851FERNDALE (1994)   YN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
TR1852AIRWAY BEACON 10WAWHATCOM48.99853501-122.7046958BLAINE (1994)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
Arrow E of Cheyenne, WYWYLARAMIE41.164783-104.674512ARCHERUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrow42 SL-O Westedt. The Farm Owner has left the area intact and plowed around the site. A bit hard to see from the road, surrounded by grass. Only the cement slabs remain, surfaces in fair condition and a block or 2 tilted a bit. Arrow head apparently buried under growth and dirt, as of 2/2017. Reported by Marty P.
Arrow near Bryan, WYWYSWEETWATER41.562095-109.678058BRYANYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowThis site is visible in Google Earth. Found this arrow several years ago and researched what it was. Just found this interactive site today when explaining the arrow to someone. Arrow intact, as of 5/10/2016. Reported by Dan Quinn.
Beacon #40 on Salt Lake-Omaha route; near Silver Crown district, northwest of Cheyenne, WYWYLARAMIE41.19686944-105.047817SILVER CROWNSALT LAKE CITYOMAHA40Updated non-NGS beacon/arrowJeff: I believe this to be beacon #40 (Morse code M) on the Salt Lake-to-Omaha route. If so, there may be some confusion on the numbers of the beacons known to you as MO1245 & MO1218. Satellite views show base intact head-to-tail, tower and shed gone, as of 3/12/2016. Reported by Jeff Johnson and Petra Ondracko.
Tower at Medicine Bow Airport, Medicine Bow, WYWYCARBON41.8870388-106.1900888MEDICINE BOWYYUpdated non-NGS beacon/arrowBeacon and arrow intact, as of 11/20/2013. Reported by Jim.
MO1117AIRWAY BCN 1 18 MI N CHEYENNEWYLARAMIE41.40224764-104.8660544LEWIS RANCH (1991)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowDestroyed, as of 11/20/2013. Reported by Steve.
MO1167AIRWAY BN 8 10 MI SE WHEATLANDWYPLATTE41.87071977-104.9132553DOUBLE L RANCH (1990)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MO1218SAN FRAN NEW YORK AWY BCN 38WYLARAMIE41.22623299-105.2432057HECLA (1978)NEW YORKSAN FRANCISCO38NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 2/4/2014. Reported by Decman.
MO1229PORTLAND KANSAS CITY AWY BCN 9WYALBANY41.05164693-105.4761392DALE CREEK (1987)KANSAS CITYPORTLAND9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MO1245SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK AIRWAY BEACON 37WYALBANY41.26787527-105.4336813PILOT HILL (1992)NEW YORKSAN FRANCISCO37NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact, as of 2/4/2014. Reported by Decman.
MO1266SALT LAKE OMAHA AWY SITE 36 BNWYALBANY41.44562939-105.6403333BAMFORTH LAKE (1978)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY36NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowFoundation visible in Google Earth as of 7/16/18. Reported by Brian Lee.
MO1300SALT LAKE OMAHA AWY SITE 35 BNWYALBANY41.5734236-105.708683BOSLER (1981)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY35NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MP0518SALT LAKE OMAHA AWY SITE 31 BNWYCARBON41.85028546-106.4402937CARBON (1971)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY31NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArow intact, as of 6/22/2015. Reported by Rich.
MP0580SALT LAKE OMAHA AWY SITE 29 BNWYCARBON41.81707169-106.6767609DANA (1982)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY29NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact; nothing else visible as of 6/22/2015. Reported by Rich.
MP0608SALT LAKE CITY OMAHA AWY BN 27WYCARBON41.80225421-107.060577SINCLAIR (1981)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY27NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowGenerator pad intact; no arrow visible, as of 6/22/2015. Reported by Rich.
MP0611SALT LAKE CITY OMAHA AWY BN 26WYCARBON41.78533469-107.249778RAWLINS (1981)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY26NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MP0633SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 26A BCNWYCARBON41.77069779-107.3952633RAWLINS PEAK SW (1983)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY26ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MP0674SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 24 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.73026418-107.6697649CRESTON JUNCTION (1981)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY24NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MP0677SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 23 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.70171196-107.8650547CRESTON (1981)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY23NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MQ0435SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 22 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.65839613-108.103407RED DESERT (1970)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY22NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MQ0437SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 21 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.65911363-108.3125482TIPTON (1970)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY21NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MQ0447SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 20 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.65742323-108.5630694BITTER CREEK NE (1978)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY20NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowGenerator pad intact; no arrow visible, as of 6/22/2015. Reported by Rich.
MQ0449SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 17 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.67164858-108.9413153THAYER JUNCTION (1978)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY17NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowArrow intact; tower pad intact; generator outline visible, as of 6/22/2015. Reported by Rich.
MQ0462SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 16 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.63920178-109.1653374RELIANCE (1978)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY16NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
MQ0469SALT LAKE OMAHA SITE 15 BCNWYSWEETWATER41.57842554-109.3211158KANDA (1978)OMAHASALT LAKE CITY15NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowBeacon destroyed. There is a little concrete here and some broken glass from the lens as of 2017-07-02. Reported by Clark D. Hall.
MQ0471AIRWAY BCN 15 4 MI ENE GREEN RWYSWEETWATER41.55166768-109.3893163GREEN RIVER (1980)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowSquare concrete foundation is all that is left as of 2017-07-02. Reported by Clark D. Hall.
MR0773AIRWAY BN 11 11 MI SSW GRANGERWYUINTA41.44446438-110.054793WILDCAT BUTTE (1964)   NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NQ0545CHEYENNE GREAT FALLS AWY BCN 9WYPLATTE42.5543704-105.058846GLENDO (1978)CHEYENNEGREAT FALLS9NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NQ0563CHEYENNE GRT FALLS AWY BN 11AWYCONVERSE42.71807747-105.3149338IRVINE (1949)CHEYENNEGREAT FALLS11ANN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NQ0649CHEYENNE GREAT FALLS AWY BN 12WYCONVERSE42.79857321-105.6219483ORPHA (1974)CHEYENNEGREAT FALLS12NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
NQ0678CHEYENNE GREAT FALLS AWY BN 14WYCONVERSE42.83112605-105.9654189PARKERTON (1973)CHEYENNEGREAT FALLS14NN Undetermined NGS beacon/arrow
PW0476AIRWAY BCN 28 ENE KEARNEYWYJOHNSON44.55131376-106.7748048BANNER (1977)   NN Updated NGS beacon/arrowConcrete pad is visible in Google maps, no arrow or structures are visible as of 2017-07-30. Reported by Brian Lee.

95 thoughts on “Airway Beacons List—Western U.S.”

  1. Thanks for documenting airway beacons in the Western U.S., it preserves a unique aspect of aviation history. What challenges do you anticipate in maintaining and safeguarding these historical landmarks for future generations?

  2. Around ten years ago I was fortunate to obtain a Westinghouse “on course” light with the original refector and a 500 watt bulb. Either Steve Owen or Dave Dupree [I’m sorry but I can’t remember which] traced the serial number and found my light was manufactured in 1930. It came from one of two arrow/beacon sites located on the old Sioux Falls – Omaha airmail route, just East of Blair, Nebraska [thanks to Brian & Charlotte Smith at Airows Across America for their excellent maps]. Some time after WW II the arrow/beacon sites on that route were scrapped and my light was purchased by an auto dealer in Blair, who used the narrow-beam on-course light in much the same way surplus WWII search lights were used by other dealers in those years, to promote sales. In the 1990’s the dealership moved to a new location and the old downtown building was closed up. In 2015, during rennovation of the old building, my light was found in a storage closet. I purchased the light from the worker who found it, and who had the good sense to recognize its historical importance. Although my light was missing the interior fresnel lens when I got it, I was able to obtain a clear fresnel lens from the fellow at the Montana Department of Transportation who, until a few years ago, mainained 18 arrow/beacon sites in the mountains of that state.

    This old on-course light is one of my prized possessions. Even so, I’m not getting any younger. If anyone knows of a serious restoration project such as that which Steve Owen completed a dozen years ago at Grants, New Mexico, I am willing to discuss transfer of my light to such a project. If a worthy organization undertakes such a restoration project in Nebraska, I will go so far as to transport the light there myself!

    I am concerned about an arrow/beacon site I know of that is located in the desert of Arizona. Because the terrain is very rugged the tower, rotating beacon and one of the on-course lights are still intact [or, they were intact two years ago]. Even so, it is just a matter of time before those priceless artifacts disappear. If anyone owns a helicopter, and is willing to donate their time and the fuel needed to get those lights off that mountain, I am certain we can find a local museum that would be delighted to preserve and display them.

    As always, Zhanna, I thank you for the care and detail you put into your excellent web site.


    Christian Ackerley,
    Hope, Arizona

  3. There were always questions in my mind about the beacon on my grandfather’s farm in Deuel County, South Dakota. I have checked on this site and others, but find very few references to South Dakota. The beacon was there in 1945, the first time I saw it, and it may have been removed some time about 1949. It must have been powered by a generator, since there was no rural electricity in that location in those days.

  4. I have been fascinated since I was a kid 50 years ago with the still functioning airway beacon on top of Rocky Butte in Portland Oregon, but haven’t been able to find out much information about it specifically. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

    • The beacon on Rocky Butte was part of the old Portland-Spokane lighted airway. The Portland-Pasco section of that airway was built in 1930-31. Because the beacon was located at Portland, the airway’s starting point, it was designated Portland-Spokane Site 0.

      It is one of only a handful of original airway beacon towers, scattered around the country, that have survived more or less intact to the present day. On the platform of Rocky Butte’s tower is an early-style (1928 specification) Department of Commerce standard 24″ rotating airway beacon, along with two original (also 1928 spec.) 18″ course lights. These smaller lights would have been equipped with red interior lenses and flashed a Morse code signal in both directions along the airway centerline, giving the aviator his approximate position. The west-facing course light on Rocky Butte originally pointed toward Portland’s old Swan Island airport. In 1938, the light was adjusted to point toward the new municipal airport, today’s Portland International.

      With input from several lighting manufacturers, the 24″ beacon and the course lights were designed, tested, specified and initially maintained by the U.S. Lighthouse Service / Airways Division.

      The airway beacon system was slowly dismantled in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. A few beacons were deemed to have continued value as landmark beacons or hazard markers and were selected to remain operating past 1965. The beacon on Rocky Butte was one of those. As the airway lights began slowly disappearing from the Portland Sectional Aeronautical Chart, “Beacon 0” remained, until finally it was the only airway beacon on the chart. It continued to be depicted into the 1970’s.

      It’s my understanding that responsibility for maintaining the Rocky Butte beacon was transferred by the FAA to Multnomah County in the 1970’s. I’m not sure who maintains the tower and lights today.

      • Portland-Spokane Airway Beacon Site “0”, Portland, Oregon:

        Regarding transfer to Multnomah County –

        Following is a notice that appeared in the April 20, 1973, newsletter of Columbia Aviation Country Club (CACC), based at Portland International Airport.


        Thanks in part to the seventh grade class of Mrs. Lucille Sheets at Jason Lee School Multnomah County took over the $900 maintenance and operation bill. The seventh graders sent their “Save the Beacon” booklet and appeal to Oregon Senators, Multnomah County Commissioner Tom Clark and the Columbia Aviation Country Club among others.

        No information on the “Save the Beacon” booklet has been found.

  5. I am trying to find out how these more remote beacons were powered as I intend to use one or more in a fiction story. I know many were in remote or hard-to access locations so I wondered what kind of generator or power supply was used to fuel the lights and operate the rotating mechanism for them. I recall the one on Woodchute Mtn north of Jerome, AZ and many scattered across north central Arizona from my childhood in the late 1940s and early 1950s. They quite fascinated me as a child and i’d look for them when we were out somewhere on a trip and coming home late in the evening or after dark.

    • Hello Gwynn,

      Wherever possible, commercial power was used to operate the beacons and course lights. When economically feasible, power lines could be run up to several miles to service a beacon site. However, there were many airway sites that were so remote and inaccessible that engine/generator sets – essentially farm light plants – had to be located with or near the beacon tower. In a fortunate bit of historical serendipity, the necessary technological improvements to these electric plants (self-starting; not dependent on glass storage batteries; improved reliability, etc.) were perfected just in time to enable the rapid development of the federal lighted airways beginning the 1920’s.

      Initially, several manufacturers, including Delco, Westinghouse and Kohler, provided these units to the Post Office Department, and after 1926, to the Department of Commerce. Eventually, the Kohler electric plants became the standard on the lighted airways. Initially, 800 and 1000-watt plants were used, but as the power requirements for beacon sites increased, 1500 and 2000-watt units were specified. Where beacon towers were located on high, rough terrain, such as the remote mesa’s of New Mexico, the generators were often located at the base of the mesa or mountain, with power lines strung up to the tower. In these cases, 3000-watt Kohler generators were sometimes used to meet the additional demands of getting the current up to the beacon. At Dept. of Commerce “intermediate landing fields,” the rotating beacons were supplemented by airfield lighting (boundary lights, obstruction lights, etc.), all of which required larger generators, usually in the 5000-watt (5kw) range.

      A typical remote beacon site would have two generators, mounted side-by-side (sometimes slightly staggered), each on its own concrete pedestal. Each plant was normally operated on alternate nights, controlled by a specially-designed, Swiss-made astronomic time switch that was a technological marvel of its time. All of this equipment – the generators, astronomic time switch and other electrical circuits and switches – would typically be sheltered inside a 10′ x 14′ metal-clad shed of standardized design.

      Remains of these sites can still be found throughout the country, particularly in the western states. Common identifying features are the 10′ x 14′ foundation walls and the two prominent concrete generator pedestals. Some of the early sites have large concrete arrows. After visiting (sometimes with great difficulty) just a few of the more inhospitable beacon locations, you can’t help but gain an appreciation for the incredible grit of the original “airways mechanicians” and their successors, who serviced these sites and made the system something that aviators could depend on.

      Some of these airway beacons continued to operate well into the 1960’s. The beacon on Schnebly Hill (Los Angeles-Amarillo Site 42), near Sedona, was the last of the big airway lights to be decommissioned in Arizona. It went dark in 1968. The airport beacon tower at Cottonwood Airport is a former airway beacon site (LA-A 40) that is still operating in its original location. The Woodchute Mtn. beacon (LA-A Site 39) was decommissioned in 1965.

      If you have the opportunity, I would encourage you to visit the Airway History Museum operated by the Cibola County Historical Society in Grants, New Mexico. It is located at the Grants-Milan Municipal Airport, right next to I-40. The museum displays everything we’ve discussed here (and much more), including an example of the type of Kohler generator most commonly used on the airways, displayed in an original, restored Dept. of Commerce generator shed. This accurate recreation of an airway beacon site also includes an original airway tower and beacon, as well as course lights and a Sauter astronomic time switch.

  6. I have one of these airway beacon lights. Just like the big one in your picture with the triangular base. Does anyone have any info on buying a new bulb.

    • Sorry for the delayed response. The type of bulb needed depends on the lamp fixture that is currently in your beacon. An old beacon can have a newer fixture installed. Originally, the early style (1928 spec.) 24″ beacons had two 1000W T-20 mogul screw-base bulbs. Later, 1000W T-20 mogul bi-post bulbs were used. Over time, other “Airway Beacon” bulbs were used as the automatic lamp changers were changed or modified. An old airway beacon that was retired and later used as an airport beacon may now have a more modern fixture utilizing a modern lamp (halogen, etc.).

      Airway beacon bulbs are usually available at online auction sites like eBay. They are often very expensive and just as often remain unsold. Wait a while and you’ll find one for a reasonable price. With decent packaging, they are surprisingly resistant to damage during shipping.

      With photos, I may be able to tell you a bit more about your beacon.

  7. Hello, where can I find the beacon number or where it was originally located? Oval plate has Department of Commerce made by Crouse-Hinds, serial #424. Next to it has a circular US Airways Department of Commerce plate. Thank you in advance.

    • I apologize for the delayed response. It is currently very hard to determine the location where a particular surviving beacon served. Those records, if they were ever maintained, have not been located. After years of examining data plates, I have come to the conclusion that the serial numbers represent the number within a particular contract batch, rather than an overall Dept. of Commerce serial. This is primarily because there are duplicate data plate serials between manufacturers and beacon types/production periods. Beacons tended to be ordered by the DoC in quantities ranging from 150 to 500 (usually multiples of 50), so serial number 424 was likely the 424th beacon produced by Crouse-Hinds under a contract for, say, 450 or 500 beacons. At least that’s my working theory.

      While it’s hard to know precisely where your beacon served, sometimes there are clues regarding its history. With photos, I could probably tell you a little more.

  8. If you can find the 1932 USGS map 1:96,000 scale, they have the beacons marked on them. You can fill in the Truckee, CA area using that map, there are six listed. Yreka map has one as does the map to the east of it.

  9. Jason writes:

    Does anyone have a wiring diagram for these lights? I recently acquired light #99 and was told it came from the Marana Air field in Arizona. I would like to restore the light to its original condition and functioning.

    Can anyone help him out? Reply and I’ll put you in touch.

  10. DX5100 is in the middle of the windmill farms.which I don’t believe can be accessed. The satellite image clearly shows the beacon and small structure next to it. I don’ t see an arrow but am unclear on how close the arrow would be to the beacon if there was one.

    • Nice find, Elizabeth! I’ve added your update to the map. Not all beacon sites had associated arrows. While it’s not definitive, the fact that the original description for this site doesn’t mention an arrow is an indication that there may never have been one here.

  11. I have received the following suggestion from Steve Bennett. I’m sure it will be helpful to many beacon-seekers! EarthExplorer has been added to the list of Resources.

    I have a suggestion for anyone hoping to find one. If you look in Google maps satellite view and see nothing but green trees, do not despair. You have other options. Use

    On the data sets tab expand aerial imagery and choose either “aerial single frames” or “high resolution orthoimagery”. The trick is look for imagery taken in the winter months when the leaves are down and you have a better view of the naked landscape without all the foliage blocking the view.

    The aerial single frames images go farther back in time. It is not uncommon to find 1950s images there.

  12. I have received the following message from Cameron. Please respond if you have any information that would help!

    Grandfather has an old airway beacon, he past away and don’t know anything about it, hope you could help me. It’s made by Sperry Gyroscope Co. INC.
    Brooklyn N.Y. 110volts A.C. C.Y. PT-72834 SER-4017. He use to work at Maxwell Air Force Base back in the 50’s & 60’s and I think he got there.

    Images are available here:

    • I’ve received the following reply from Dave DuPree:

      Hi Cameron,

      Your question about your grandfather’s old rotating beacon was forwarded to me from Zhanna via Steve Owen in Grants, NM.

      From the photographs, I can tell you the following: Your beacon was manufactured between 1927 and about 1934. It is most likely from the 1928-1931 period.

      Although it was manufactured to the 1927 Department of Commerce airway beacon specifications, I think your beacon may have been built for use at an airport. During that period, the federal government did not provide beacons to civil airports, so only the largest airports could afford them. The data plate on your beacon appears to be the type used for a civil beacon, rather than one built under a DoC contract. One way to confirm whether your beacon was built as an airway beacon is to look at the back of the drum for a 4″circular medallion cast into the aluminum that reads “U.S. Dept. of Commerce Airways” (photos attached). A Sperry beacon built for the private market would have the Sperry logo on the back of the drum, or the back could be completely smooth. In any event, both types of 24″ beacon are nearly identical and both are equally historic. (In addition to being used at the early civil airports, a number of those early 24″ beacons were mounted on skyscrapers, bridges, etc. during the late 1920’s and 1930’s.)

      Your beacon is almost certainly not from a military base, as it would be configured differently (dual drums, different lens, etc.).

      The beacon is in remarkably original condition, including an original type main lens. The four glass panels along the top of the drum were called “zenith” lenses, and they are among the features that can be used to date the beacon. I couldn’t tell for sure from the photos, but it appears that you may have the original type of automatic lamp changer inside the drum (relatively few of those have survived). Most of the surviving 24″ beacons today were in use for many decades – first on the airways and then at airports – so periodic refurbishments, modifications and upgrades often resulted in the loss of original components. The drive system looks pretty rough – it may or may not be restorable – but most everything appears to be there.

      Overall, a very nice artifact from the Golden Age of Aviation. Thanks for sharing the photos. If you can, send pictures of the data plate and the interior of the drum – from those, I can provide additional information. I’m glad your grandfather saved it from the scrap heap! Let me know if you have any other questions.

      Dave DuPree
      Prescott, AZ

      Accompanying photos:

      Copyright for the third photo is unknown. It shows a brand new 24″ beacon, almost identical to Cameron’s, atop the new terminal building at Denver Municipal Airport (Stapleton) in 1929.

  13. Ran into an intact airway beacon with generator building on the top of Mahogany Mountain near La Grande, Oregon. 45.3679, -118.1763 My question is: How rare are intact beacons in Oregon?

  14. We had one on the top of our hill growing up in east San Francisco Bay Area (California, Contra Costa County). As kids, we never questioned its reason for being. It was just a great place to play on the top of a knoll. Coordinates: 37.902908, -122.078140

  15. Found these arrows in fairly good shape all around Wyoming, Nevada and Utah.
    Will visit and photograph these this summer.

    WY ALBANY 41.26787527 -105.4336813 PILOT HILL (1992)
    WY LARAMIE 41.22623299 -105.2432057 HECLA (1978)
    NV PERSHING 40.07537891 -118.1815223 BUENA VISTA
    NV ELKO 40.92786821 -114.294452 SILVER ZONE
    NV ELKO 40.85171855 -114.4402347 SHAFTER (1971)
    UT WASH 37.11745018 -113.4876398 WASHINGTON

    To find these on Mapquest or Google maps just cut and past the LAT LONG numbers
    41.26787527 -105.4336813
    into the search and press enter.

  16. [Copied from comment made on EAST page]
    I was turned onto this subject recently by the folks @
    So, in a matter of a few hours, I collected the data sets from this page and the EAST page and made a Google Fusion Table map of the beacon positions.
    Here’s the link to the map.

    Each beacon point has all of the data associated with the NGS survey data.
    Hop you enjoy browsing

    • Hi Jen,

      Sure! I’m in the process of adding that information to the spreadsheets and also creating a map. But for now, click the PID links for the beacon you’re interested in searching for. This will bring up the datasheet. You can obtain the coordinates from the datasheet. Use the first line under CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL, which looks like this: NAD 83(1992) POSITION- 40 17 36.88597(N) 078 15 37.07212(W) ADJUSTED

      40 17 36.88597(N) 078 15 37.07212(W) (for example) are the GPS coordinates, in degrees/minutes/seconds format. You can plug those coordinates into Google Maps/Earth to do your search. Good luck!

      • I have tried various times to use goole earth to do this, are there spacing requirements I should be aware f? I have tried the numbers with and without spaces, and google earth always tells me they could not understand the location.

        • Hi Sue,

          It might be the N and W that are messing it up. You should be able to use the format 40 17 36.88597 -078 15 37.07212 (for example, for the above coordinates). The negative longitude means West (the positive latitude means North). You can also try the coordinate converters here: to generate other formats that might work better. Please let me know if this helps!

  17. Am responding to Laura who commented about the Solomons Knob beacon site on Novemeber 18, 2013. I was there a couple years ago. The concrete arrow is in excellent condition. It points to Mountain Pass beacon site to the east-northeast. The lower most sections of the 4 tower legs are still in place. The small shack you see in satillite photos is not the generator shack. It was part of a 1970s town of Baker communications relay facility. (The Manager of Baker CSD was with me and knew of it’s orgin. We hiked along the old beacon access road, still visible, to the site.)

    Also want to mention 3 beacon sites not on this California list; all are in San Bernardino County. I have been to all 3. (I used Acme Mapper for the co-ordinates.) Squaw Mountain: 35.45934N 115.86433W Kelly (Kingston) Intermediate Airfield: 35.56241N 115.71463W Mesquite Pass (caution – it is inside a Wilderness Area): 35.62491N 115.63303W I think, but am not sure, these 3 beacons were on the LA to Salt Lake City route. Kelly Field had a caretaker’s house/office, beacon, compass circle, and other facilities. Concrete slabs remain. The house/office was moved to Baker in the 1950s. It (and the Silver Lake Field house/office also moved to Baker) were destroyed last year for a parking lot.

    If 4-way radio beacon sites can be included in this website, a site of one is just north of the old Silver Lake Airfield, north of Baker.

  18. located LQO 620 on google earth. I hunted deer and chucker all over Silver Zone and never ran across this arrow. Will be making a road trip soon to have a look!!

  19. I will clarify after looking at Google street view. the site of DM1254 is still there. You can see where the area was never plowed and a tree has grown. The tower is not there.

  20. Looks like DM1254 is still standing but stripped and possibly the generator shack. I am not sure on that though. There is a small metal roof close to it. Will drive out and check it out.

  21. Are there any remnants of any of these beacons in WA state? I have a plane based at Skagit Airport (KBVS) and would love to try to find some of these. Unfortunately it looks as if most everything has been dismantled. Thanks!

  22. MO1218 is still there. It’s just sort of in the back country and I think it’s on private land so it’s almost impossible to get to. But it still exists!

  23. Found one just outside of Grants/Abq on top of a mesa. Going to have to go check it out now! You can see it in Google maps, the tip looks to be in a juniper tree now
    35 02 55.36525-107 32 46.09392

      • Be aware of land ownership, most of the beacon sites in western New Mexico are Indian tribal lands and you would need to apply for a permit to visit. Exceptions are LA-A 61 and 62 on national forest lands, and LA-A 68 on the edge of Albuquerque (1929? TAT site, top of Nine Mile Hill, 1/2 mile south of I-40). LA-A 59B is at a private residence and 60 is on private land near El Morro but the generator site can be visited by checking at the coffee/gift shop.

        Other TAT beacon sites (route abandoned by 1930-31) are beside I-40 in the highway right-of-way at Churchrock Road and at Prewitt on private land. West of Gallup to the AZ border, none has been confirmed yet. The TAT beacons were relocated long before the gov’t began surveying these sites. Apparently.

  24. Any info or help in finding one of these would be appreciated. A couple are close to my current residence and two are near my home town, I have tried to follow turn by turn and coordinates, but land up in different sites. i believe that road names have changed from the 1930’s and today.




  25. This is a very cool thing. While working on airplanes at the Pinal air park in Marana AZ we came across one of these markers but no arrow. It was however embedded in the concrete outside the south end of the hanger on the south end of the tarmac. We never did find out what the marker was for. Is this one of your markers?

  26. I am interested in doing field searches for the 3 beacon sites in Pima Co. Is there a way to use Google Earth and the data found here to locate these sites?

    • Yes, click the PID links for the beacons you’re interested in searching for (in your case, CZ1821, CZ1965, and CZ1980).

      Then you can obtain the coordinates from the datasheet. Use the first line under CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL, which looks like this:
      NAD 83(1992) POSITION- 32 03 43.66343(N) 110 39 06.95973(W) ADJUSTED

      32 03 43.66343(N) 110 39 06.95973(W) are the GPS coordinates, in degrees/minutes/seconds format. You can plug those coordinates into Google Maps/Earth to do your search. Good luck!

  27. would like to know where the beacon near Millersburg IA would be located as I live near there(south and west) and would enjoy looking for that one — any info would be interesting

      • I have never heard of nor seen any of the arrows and would like to check out the Julian, CA arrow. Is there an address or GPS location I can use to find the arrow?

        • To obtain the GPS coordinates, click the PID link on the list for the beacon you’d like to find (in your case, DX4994). That will take you to the NGS datasheet for that beacon, and the datasheet has the coordinates right at the top, under CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL, in degrees/minutes/seconds format.

          For the Julian beacon, the coordinates are 33 06 06.99256 N 116 34 44.35360 W. You can plug them into Google Maps just like that, or convert them to decimal degrees or any other format you prefer to work with.

    • I am about 99% positive MO1218 (the one visible on Google Earth) is on private land. If you scroll out you can see an easy way to access it from North Crow Rd in Curt Gowdy State Park. I have been up that road though and there is a no trespassing sign at a cattle gate about 1 mile north of Happy Jack Rd.

      MO1117 appears to be just east of exit 29 off I-25 on an unnamed access road, but from Google Earth anyway there doesn’t appear to be anything there (which seems odd to me since the only structure within about a 1.5 mile radius is a single farmhouse).

    • That’s a great find, Jeff! It shows that San Francisco-Seattle Beacon 27 has had two locations. I haven’t yet determined which is earlier. I’ve hiked up to the MX1005 location (0.32 statute mile SSW of the I-5 interchange) and only saw some broken concrete and a fragment of a beacon bulb base. Pretty well cleaned up! Your arrow find is 0.94 mile WSW of MX1005. Have you been there? Easily accessible?

  28. Oh my goodness! I went on a map search of the one for Nevada, Washoe County, Derby Dam…and I found it! I can’t believe it. Here is where it is: 39°34’43.15″N 119°29’24.55″W

    This was so much fun! I think I might look for others when I have the time. Let me know if you’d like me to follow up if I find any others.

    Carol B

  29. Unless I missed something I find no mention of the intact beacon on top the mesa east of Trinidad, Colorado and northeast of Raton, New Mexico.From the air everything appears to be intact with the generator shed and a small building for workers who may get stranded on top the Mesa when it snows. The tower appears to have a beacon on it and everything seems to be in good shape. I have photos if you’re interested. From the New Mexico side the Mesa is Bartlett Mesa.

    • We live in Rapid City SD and often travel to the SW on I-25. We are really interested in historical sites having followed the Oregon trail and Lincoln Highway on previous road trips. We would like to incorporate visit s to existing airway beacon sites on future trips. Do you have coordinates for this location and is there a drivable road to the location? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  30. Is there anyone who would be interested in purchasing an historic 1929 acetalyne powered
    course marker airway beacon? It has been completely restored.

  31. Question submitted via contact form from Wendel H.:

    Subject: Santa barbara mesa beacon 406

    a USGS topo map of santa barbara dated 1942 and updated 1952 shows an airway beacon located by a dot within a circle and numbered 406. A friend now 74 years old remembers watching the flashing light from his second floor east facing bedroom as a child. I have found the probable location of the beacon and a shed is still there which might have housed the generator. I have a 1947 aerial photograph with a tapered shadow which would be the tower. It is in the right location. What do you know about this beacon in the city limits of Santa Barbara. When was it built. When was it abandoned. The location presently has a tall pole with a whip antenna said to be used by the California Highway Patrol next to the generator shed. I can send you pictures. thanks, Wendel

    • Hello Wendel,

      I was unable to contact you using the email address provided. The message was returned with the note “Your mail could not be delivered because the recipient is only accepting mail from specific email addresses.” I will post my reply here:

      Thanks for contacting me! So far I haven’t been able to find any information online about this beacon. I do have some topo maps of that area. Can you give me the approximate coordinates of the shed you found, or a general description of where the beacon was (which section of the city, nearby street names, etc.)? Could you send me the aerial photo as an attachment? That might help me narrow down my search. Please send any other photos or images you have, too.

      I’m even wondering if the “406” might indicate an elevation benchmark at the site since 406 feet is a possible value for height in the area. If there is a benchmark at the spot, its description might give us more information about the beacon.

      Looking forward to hearing back from you,

  32. I was amazed this morning when a friend showed me a map of the Airway Light Beacons in the east San Francisco Bay area all the way to Reno. Archaeology and the establishment of true history is my passion. I fly all over the western states and have often thought about how our predecessors live and what record they left for us. After a career as a research Physicist, I am now back into Archaeology. I found my way to the B-17 that went down on a trip frm Reno to the Bay area; a nice hike, but poorly described w/o Long & Lat. I fly the Bay Area to Truckee quite often and now I have something to look for on the ground.
    A suggested search, air and ground, welcomed.

  33. Hi Zhanna – wondered what you’d been up to since we corresponded last – this new website format is great! We have proceeded to create a regional airways-slash-aviation museum here at Grants Milan (KGNT) airport, per web link

    Our tower was donated by City of Williams AZ from the airport – FR0867 – and was formerly on Beacon Hill east of there as site LA-A 38B. However, this site is not the one listed from 1936 on NGS sheet FR0857. That location now has no trace of a beacon, altho it is shown on the old topo map. It may have been moved at some early date to Beacon Hill, where the tower leg stubs, pole line, and generator shed foundations below still exist. This site is at
    35-15-24.89 / 112-03-51.72.

    We are still searching for a beacon and course lights for our museum. What little we have found has ownership issues, of course. Our 24″ and 18″ replicas won’t last forever.

    Best – Steve O.

    • Thank you for your comment and the information about your museum! It appears to be coming along great. I will check out the beacon location you mention. Best of luck finding a beacon and lights!

    • Steve,

      Are you saying that the location

      N 35 15′ 24.89″ W 112 03′ 51.72″

      has tower leg stubs, pole line, and generator shed foundations?

      I know of another site near Williams not listed here that appear to have a beacon foundation.


    • Steve – I would like to contact you about a beacon/arrow restoration project in Idaho. I would like to learn from your experience. The phone number I have for you didn’t work and I don’t have your email address. If possible, please contact me at

  34. I went to summer camp from 1959 through 1962 at Foothills Ranch in Northern New Mexico. The Thompson Ranch airway beacon was visible from the ranch and every two weeks the camp took all of the campers to Starvation Peak where we used the ladder and rope system that was permanently installed, climbed the peak and had lunch underneath the beacon.

    I am now an FAA inspector and was recently in Clayton, NM where the airport manager told me that the airport beacon used to be the Glorieta Pass beacon. Since there is no record of a beacon in Glorieta Pass, the Thompson Ranch beacon seems to be the closest possibility.

    Those summers were some of the best days of my childhood and it is great to think that I have found the beacon that was visible every evening from the ranch.

    Would there be anything on the beacon that would identify it? I intend to return to Clayton in the not too distant future and would love to verify that this is the same beacon.

    • Thanks for your great story! I sent you an e-mail about checking the NGS datasheet for descriptive information as well as coordinates, in case you decide to hike to the beacon. If you do locate the beacon again, feel free to send photographs and any other documentation you have.

    • Interesting! I have searched for information about the Thompson Ranch for several years. If it is the same family, we were close friends with the family. Visited them often. while we lived in Zuni. My father, Ruben Lanz, worked in the Kelsey Trading Post in Zuni from 1936 into 1941. About 1939 or 1940 some government people came to Zuni wanting to install a navigation beacon on the mountain top east of Zuni. I would have been about 6 or 7 years old at the time. My father along with me and Zuni guides climbed to the top of the mountain so it could be surveyed and a location established for a navigation beacon. If anyone wants to contact me directly, about the Thompson family or the beacon, please do. My email is:

  35. Have info for Imperial County Airway Beacon (DB1497). I am currently restoring to original condition for Imperial County Historical Society. Lites & rotation mechanism restoration complete. Tower is painted & erected. Conduit, wiring & switching progressing. Expect complete operation this year.

    • Thank you for the update, and for all your work on the beacon! Please post back if you have photos, a website, or any other documentation or updates to share because I would love to add them to the site.

    • Could you contact me about your experience of restoring the beacon for the Imperial County Historical Society. I am working on a similar project for the Idaho Historical Society and would like to talk to you about lessons learned.


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